- Release Notes

krpano 1.18.5 / 2015-08-04


    * Microsoft Edge (Windows 10) browser support.
    * Minor bugfixes.

  Release Notes / Changes from 1.18.4 to 1.18.5:

    * krpano HTML5 Viewer (krpano.js)
          o Fix: Add workarounds for the Microsoft Edge (Windows 10) browser.
          o Fix: Hanging hovering / onhover when an element gets disabled
                 before the mouse-out in some cases.

    * krpano Action / XML Interface (for Flash and HTML5)
          o Fix: Resolve get() inside stoptween() calls.

    * Soundinterface Plugin (soundinterface.js)
          o Fix: Don't resume stopped sounds when switching browser tabs a
                 second time (HTML5).

    * Showtext Plugin (showtext.xml)
          o Fix: Escape parameters to allow commas inside the texts.


krpano 1.18.4 / 2015-04-23


    * Minor bugfixes.

  Release Notes / Changes from 1.18.3 to 1.18.4:

    * krpano HTML5 Viewer (krpano.js)
          o Fix: The %$var% url placeholder was causing a Javascript error
                 when 'var' wasn't a string (like when using %$random% to
                 avoid caching).
          o Fix: Support the Windows 10 Spartan browser (there were event-flow
                 problems due CSS3D browser bugs).

    * Textfield Plugin (textfield.swf, HTML5:integrated)
          o Fix: Wrong textfield position when using borderwidth and
                 stagescale is different to 1.0 (like on mobile devices).
          o Fix: Textfield links couldn't be touched on iOS 8.3 and Android

    * krpano Tools
          o Fix: Support Linux systems without '/proc/self/exe' support.


krpano 1.18.3 / 2015-03-05


    * Minor bugfixes and improvements.

  Release Notes / Changes from 1.18.2 to 1.18.3:

    * krpano HTML5 Viewer (krpano.js)
          o New: Support IE12 detection (to avoid that the IE12 will be
                 detected as Chrome because this would lead to wrong
                 pano-video support).
          o Fix: Workaround for a Firefox CSS3D distorted hotspots rendering
          o Fix: There were missing tiles when using 180° fisheye views in
                 some cases.
          o Fix: Don't detect Android as Linux device.
          o Fix: Wrong screentolayer() results for container elements with
          o Fix: Wrong ox/oy position of distorted hotspots when using percent
          o Fix: Support wheeldelta_touchscale also on layer and hotspot
                 elements on Android and Windows Phone.
          o Fix: Hanging pano-blending when two panos/scenes are using the
                 same videoplayer plugin as pano image source at the same time.

    * krpano Flash Viewer (krpano.swf)
          o Fix: Problems with autorotate.tofov, limitview and onidle.
          o Fix: Wrong ox/oy position of zoomed hotspots when using percent
          o Fix: Changing the custom cursor url when currently loading already
                 an other cursor url wasn't working.
          o Fix: Assume getting escaped initvars values from the embedding

    * krpano HTML Embedding Script (embedpano.js)
          o Fix: Escape the initvars parameters to avoid problems when passing
                 special characters to the Flash viewer.

    * krpano Action / XML Interface (for Flash and HTML5)
          o New: Support using absolute paths in url placeholders.
          o Fix: Trim whitespaces from the parameters in a multi-variable
          o Fix: Overwrite the destination variable type when using the
                 subtxt(), indexoftxt(), txtreplace() actions.

    * Gyro Plugin (gyro.js)
          o Fix: Revert the Android Chrome 'devicemotion' event support.

    * Bingmaps Plugin (bingmaps.swf, bingmaps.js)
          o Fix: Render the radar cone based on the horizontal field of view.

    * Googlemaps Plugin (googlemaps.js)
          o Fix: Render the radar cone based on the horizontal field of view.

    * Combobox Plugin (combobox.swf, combobox.js)
          o Fix: Place the opened combobox field above other elements also
                 when using parent="STAGE".

    * Droplets / Templates / Skins / Examples
          o Fix: vtourskin.xml - automatically hide the gyro button on
                 non-full-spherical scenes.

    * krpano Tools
          o Fix: Don't create the swf file when the flash setting is set to
                 false in the .config file.
          o Fix: Show an error message when the license registration itself
                 was okay, but the saving of the registration information has
          o Fix: Support the license registration also without write access to
                 the HOME folder.


krpano 1.18.2 / 2014-12-18


    * Minor bugfixes.

  Release Notes / Changes from 1.18.1 to 1.18.2:

    * krpano HTML5 Viewer (krpano.js)
          o Fix: Hotspot zorder2 problems on iOS.
          o Fix: Workaround for a Firefox bug with polygonal hotspots (missing
                 border line on the last line segment).

    * krpano Flash Viewer (krpano.swf)
          o Fix: Hanging auto-rotation in some cases when using the
                 autorotate.tofov setting in combination with viewing

    * krpano Action / XML Interface (for Flash and HTML5)
          o Fix: Support using negative width / height values in combination
                 with 'prop' for layer / plugin elements.

    * Bingmaps Plugin (bingmaps.swf, bingmaps.js)
          o Fix: Support the embedding setting mwheel=false.

    * Googlemaps Plugin (googlemaps.swf, googlemaps.js)
          o Change: The outdated googlemaps.swf Flash plugin has been finally
                    removed from the download package. Google has disabled the
                    Google Maps Flash API, so that this plugin can't work
                    Use the Bingmaps plugin as replacement in Flash, for HTML5
                    the Googlemaps plugin is still available of course.
          o Fix: Render the radar behind the map spots (a workaround for the
                 new Google Maps API version).
          o Fix: Support the embedding setting mwheel=false.

    * Droplets / Templates / Skins / Examples
          o New: Added a Google Maps plugin example.
          o Fix: Typo in youtubeplayer.xml example (wrong zindex instead of


krpano 1.18.1 / 2014-11-19


    * Minor bugfixes and improvements.

  Release Notes / Changes from 1.18 to 1.18.1:

    * krpano HTML5 Viewer (krpano.js)
          o New: Support blending between panos with panoramic videos.
          o New: Added cubestrip support for <image>.
          o New: looktohotspot() and getcenter() support for polygonal
          o New: Whitelist HTML5 fullscreen mode support for Android Firefox
                 35 or higher.
          o Change: The <hotspot> accuracy2 setting has been removed and the
                    normal accuracy setting been changed to match the behavior
                    of the Flash version.
          o Change: The textfield plugin automatically changes the current
                    accuracy setting to 0 for more precise text rendering.
          o Fix: Improved distorted hotspot rendering accuracy for Firefox.
          o Fix: The click- and touch-ability of very very small distorted
                 hotspots in Firefox and iOS was improved.
          o Fix: Use a more accurate zoomed small hotspot rendering for the
          o Fix: Don't do size rounding for zoomed hotspots (could cause
                 invisible hotspots when they are using very small scalings).
          o Fix: The boolean view.pannini=true|false support wasn't working.
          o Fix: The screentolayer() and layertoscreen() actions were wrong
                 when the viewer wasn't embedded as fullpage.
          o Fix: The <layer> pixelx and pixely values weren't scaled by
          o Fix: Wrong onkeyup event in some cases when losing the input focus.
          o Fix: Call the unloadplugin function for all plugins (even when
                 keep=true is set) when unloading / removing the viewer from
                 the html page.
          o Fix: Keep the current image fov settings when changing the video
                 source of a panoramic video.
          o Fix: Added a workaround for a Chrome WebGL Inspector bug.
          o Fix: Preview-pano WebGL texture leak.

    * krpano Flash Viewer (krpano.swf)
          o Fix: Wrong inner border edges on rounded container elements in
                 some cases.
          o Fix: Transparent border colors on non-rounded container elements
                 were drawn / mixed differently to HTML5.
          o Fix: Incorrect whitespace parsing and get() resolving in the js()
          o Fix: The onvideoready event wasn't called for panoramic videos
                 when the size of the video frame was the same as in the
                 previous video.

    * krpano HTML Embedding Script (embedpano.js)
          o New: Make it possible to set / change the wmode setting via url
          o Change: Use wmode=window by default for Chrome (better
                    performance and no black-screen during window resizing).

    * krpano Action / XML Interface (for Flash and HTML5)
          o New: display.frame variable - provides the current rendering frame
          o New: Resolve get() also inside the lookto() 'motiontype' functions.
          o Fix: get() calls inside the callwith 'caller' parameter couldn't
                 be resolved correctly, when trying to access local variables
                 from a layer or hotspot element.

    * Videoplayer Plugin (videoplayer.swf, videoplayer.js)
          o New: Support the HTML5 playbackrate setting.
          o New: Support the volume setting in HTML5.
          o Fix: Provide a 'smoother' and more accurate playback time value.
          o Fix: Wrong video size when using a distorted hotspot with custom
                 sizes and a stagescale setting that is not 1.0 (like on
          o Fix: Use an alternative method for setting the playsinline /
                 webkit-playsinline settings (for inline video in iPhone apps).
          o Fix: The onvideoready event wasn't called for panoramic videos
                 when the size of the video frame was the same as in the
                 previous video (Flash).
          o Fix: Detect and automatically correct pixel-aspect-ratio changes
                 during the video playing (Flash).
          o Fix: RTMP video streams are working correctly now (Flash).
          o Fix: Panoramic video iPhone-mode - the videos were always paused
                 on start.
          o Fix: Panoramic video iPhone-mode - don't play the videos faster or
                 further than they could be actually loaded.

    * Soundinterface Plugin (soundinterface.swf, soundinterface.js)
          o Fix: Stop all sounds on viewer unloading / removing (HTML5).
          o Fix: Pause all sounds when switching to an other browser tab.

    * Textfield Plugin (textfield.swf, HTML5:integrated)
          o Fix: The textfield was invisible on startup when used as distorted
                 hotspot (Flash).

    * Scrollarea Plugin (scrollarea.swf, scrollarea.js)
          o Fix: Stop the scrollarea dragging also when the draggable setting
                 will be changed after the mouse / touch down event.

    * Radar Plugin (radar.swf, radar.js)
          o Fix: Make it possible to use the plugin ondown and onup events.
          o Fix: Render the radar in HTML5 as SVG element instead as canvas
                 element for improved mouse / touch event flow handling.
          o Fix: Use the horizontal field of view for rendering the radar cone
          o Fix: Support the handcursor setting.
          o Fix: The radar cone border for linewidth=0.0 wasn't drawn
                 correctly (Flash).

    * Bingmaps Plugin (bingmaps.swf, bingmaps.js)
          o New: Support the map spots onhover event (HTML5).
          o Fix: Call the map spots onout event when the spot becomes active
                 and activespotenabled=false is set.

    * Googlemaps Plugin (googlemaps.js)
          o New: poi (points of interest) setting (false by default).
          o New: Support the map spots onhover event.
          o Fix: Call the map spots onout event when the spot becomes active
                 and activespotenabled=false is set.
          o Fix: The radar was above the map spots.

    * Gyro Plugin (gyro.js)
          o New: Added support for the Android UCBrowser.

    * krpano Tools
          o New: Protect tool - new -pplg protection setting to allow loading
                 only privately-encrypted plugin files (enabled also in the
                 krpano Tools Protect Tool GUI).
          o Fix: Updated Linux INSTALL script for Ubuntu 14.


krpano 1.18 / 2014-10-17


    * Improved HTML5 Support
          o Panoramic video support for HTML5
              + Better performance and higher quality than Flash in many cases.
              + Free seeking during loading.
              + Works on mobile devices with WebGL support (iOS 8, Android
                Chrome, Android Firefox). Has a special iPhone support
                (normally panoramic video wouldn't be possible in the iPhone
                browser due iOS limitations).
              + New videointerface skin with many new features - direct
                seeking, video quality changing, projection menu, mobile
                support, flat-view fallback with moving and zooming when there
                is no WebGL support.
          o Support spherical and cylindrical panoramic images in HTML5 (with
            WebGL) and dynamic transitions between spherical and flat
          o Polygonal hotspot support.
          o Contextmenu for touch devices.
          o Styleable Contextmenu.
          o showtext() support.
          o Gyro support for Android Chrome, Android Chrome and Windows Phone.
          o Improved mobile devices / browser support.
          o Improved pano rendering and blending.

    * Improved Action / XML / Layer System
          o More styling options for container layers: rounded edges, borders,
          o if() with AND, OR, ! and parenthesis (...) support.
          o Multiple device checks for xml attributes.
          o Automatic running actions.
          o Improved tween(): multi-variable tween, color tween, additional
            tween types.
          o Coordinate conversion between layer elements.
          o Size limits for layer elements via minwidth, maxwidth, minheight,
          o Additional actions.

    * Improved Video Support
          o The video-filepaths are relative to the xml now.
          o Better alternative videourl handling - support more video file
            extensions and automatically try loading the next video when the
            one previous one has failed.
          o Support embedding and unloading the Flash Youtube player.
          o Examples for an inline video- and Youtube-player.

    * And many things more...
          o Improved default and vtour skins.
          o Bing and Google maps with customizable languages and controls.
          o A new FPS Plugin.
          o Updated and improved documentations and examples.
          o Several detail improvements and fixes.

  Release Notes / Changes from 1.17.6 to 1.18:

    * krpano HTML5 Viewer (krpano.js)
          o New: Support panoramic videos when WebGL is available and when
                 using HTML5 videos as WebGL textures is possible and allowed.
          o New: Support (non-tiled, non-multires) spherical or cylindrical
                 or partial pano images when WebGL is available.
          o New: Polygonal hotspot support.
          o New: Contextmenu support for touch devices (enabled by default).
          o New: contextmenu.touch setting for enabling / disabling the
                 contextmenu on touch devices.
          o New: contextmenu.customstyle setting for customizing the
                 contextmenu visual style / look (examples).
          o New: Support the display.currentfps variable.
          o New: Support the multireslevel variable.
          o New: Support the NOPREVIEW loading flag.
          o New: Support the Chrome device simulator.
          o Change: More sensible click detection - allow larger movements
                    between down and up and use a different sensitivity for
                    mouse and touch usage.
          o Change: The default maxmem limit will depend now on the total size
                    of the screen (in a range of 150-400MB). This is better
                    for HiDPI / 4k screens and causes less reloading there.
          o Change: Use hardwarelimit=800 and maxmem=40 by default for
                    iPhone4/4S for more stability.
          o Change: This will be the last version with support for the
                    'jsborder' setting - use container elements and the new
                    bgborder setting instead.
          o Change: Write 'HTML5/Desktop' instead of 'Desktop/Platform' in the
                    contextmenu versioninfo to make it easier to differ
                    between Flash and HTML5.
          o Fix: The ox/oy distances for zoom=true hotspots weren't scaled
                 during zooming.
          o Fix: Slightly more accurate frame-rate for iOS.
          o Fix: Improved support for older low-end Android devices (before
                 Android 4.4 and without WebGL support) - prefer the usage of
                 the mobile/tablet images if available and don't use multires
          o Fix: Improved Mipmapping (WebGL) - support mipmapping also for
                 'edge-tiles' that don't have 'power-of-two' sizes as long as
                 the main tilesize is a power-of-two size - and - support
                 mipmapping=force for any usage case.
          o Fix: Support mipmapping also in IE11 when possible.
          o Fix: Wait until the preview pano or the current view (if there is
                 no preview pano) is fully loaded before start blending.
          o Fix: Same layer elements position rounding as in Flash for
                 'centered edges' like edge=left|right|center|top|bottom.
          o Fix: There are situations where it is not possible to detect the
                 release of the mouse button (e.g. over an embedded iframe) -
                 for these situations check in the next available mouse-move
                 event if the mouse button is still pressed and if not,
                 manually trigger the mouse-up event.
          o Fix: Predefine the layer/plugin/hotspot onover, onhover, onout,
                 onclick, ondown, onup, onloaded events to make them directly
                 accessible in local scope code.
          o Fix: Too early onloadcomplete event in flat panos that have a
                 preview pano.
          o Fix: Stop the bouncinglimits friction movement when starting a
                 lookto movement.
          o Fix: When there is only one multires level that is too large to
                 get fully loaded, then send the onloadcomplete event when the
                 current view is fully loaded.
          o Fix: Wrong 'background-size' css style during the plugin loading
                 in some cases (can cause a warning in the browser log).
          o Fix: Avoid the 'wrong' Chrome 'Attr.nodeValue is deprecated' log
          o Fix: Layer and plugin elements with scale=0 or scale9grid with 0/0
                 sizes weren't scaled and aligned correctly.
          o Fix: Workaround for a Chrome touch bug - touching on a <a> link
                 inside a textfield html-text wasn't working.
          o Fix: Workaround for a Chrome CSS3D rendering bug that could cause
                 hidden tiles when the contextmenu is opened.
          o Fix: Automatically correct the inaccurate viewport pixelratio
                 values (due rounded sizes) of some devices for pixel-perfect
                 sharper WebGL rendering.
          o Fix: When no image.type setting was set in the xml, set its value
                 to the auto-detected pano image type.
          o Fix: HTML5 fullscreen mode support for Android Opera.
          o Fix: Wrong distorted hotspot visibility in some cases when using
                 fisheye distortion.
          o Fix: Hide distorted hotspots that are smaller than 256px
                 automatically in Firefox when their center moves 'behind' the
                 screen. This is a workaround for a Firefox CSS3D software
                 rendering bug.
          o Fix: Adjust the hotspot sub-pixel-positions for the textfield
                 plugin to avoid blur texts (especially in Chrome).

    * krpano Flash Viewer (krpano.swf)
          o Change: The polygonal hotspot default settings and hovering
                    behavior have been changed. When the version number in the
                    xml is 1.18 or higher, then the automatic style change on
                    hovering (and so the the hotspot 'fill/border-'*hover'
                    settings) are not supported anymore. This was changed to
                    match the HTML5 version and to provide more control. To
                    change the style of a polygonal hotspot when hovering, the
                    onover/onout events and the tween() action should be used
          o Change: Set the Flashplayer 10 rendering quality settings
                    (movequality10 and stillquality10) to BEST by default (for
                    better rounded edges rendering).
          o Change: Use 'lefttop' as default value for the align setting for
                    non-swf files.
          o Change: The old plugin-interface event 'krpano.resizeplugin' will
                    be dispatched 'earlier' now to allow the plugin to change
                    the plugin size directly without the need of an additional
                    frame update.
          o Change: The default setting of will be false now
                    to match the behavior of the HTML5 viewer.
          o Fix: The ox/oy distances for zoom=true hotspots weren't scaled
                 during zooming.
          o Fix: When pressing the F5 key, the viewer will send automatically
                 a Javascript call to reload the current webpage. This is done
                 to simulate the intended behavior of the browser because
                 disabling the actual Flashplayer behavior of blocking system
                 / browser keys is not possible.
          o Fix: Adjust local Windows paths that contain 'vertical bar'
                 characters to allow using 'paths with alternatives' (e.g.
                 videoplayer plugin videourl).
          o Fix: Support the AS3 'unloadAndStop' method for unloading
                 Flash/SWF plugins - this would automatically remove
                 everything that was added by the plugin (like video or sound
          o Fix: The loadstyle() action wasn't supporting setter/getter plugin
          o Fix: Catch the case when calling a native action with a wrong
                 count of parameters and report an error about that.
          o Fix: Make container elements also click-able when bgalpha is 0.0
                 and bgcapture is enabled.
          o Fix: The autorotation and the onidle event weren't starting when
                 the viewing range limitation and the maxpixelzoom limitation
                 were both limiting the current view at the same time.
          o Fix: Wrong autorotation zooming when a pano with a smaller fov was
                 loaded before and the autorotate was active.

    * krpano HTML Embedding Script (embedpano.js)
          o New: Additional flash setting for selecting the flash/html5 usage.
                 Works the same as the html5 setting, but just with the
                 inverse functionality.
          o New: initvars setting for setting custom xml url path placeholders.
          o New: Pass automatically the current document (html file) location
                 to the Flash viewer as browser.location variable. This is
                 internally required to be able to calculate the correct paths
                 of video files in the Flashplayer.
          o Change: When using html5=prefer and WebGL support is not
                    available, then still prefer the usage of Flash in the
                    Chrome browser (because of the buggy and partial
                    problematic CSS3D rendering of the Chrome browser).

    * krpano Action / XML Interface (for Flash and HTML5)
          o New: The if() action (and also all other actions that are checking
                 conditions) are supporting AND, OR and ! operators and (...)
                 parenthesis now.
          o New: bgborder setting for adding borders to container layer
          o New: bgroundedge setting for rounded edges on container layer
          o New: bgshadow setting for adding shadows behind and inside
                 (=html5-only) container layer elements.
          o New: Multiple device checks for attributes and a new / additional
                 syntax for the devices attribute (same syntax as the
                 attribute device checking syntax).
          o New: device.multiressupport and device.panovideosupport for
                 checking if the device is capable enough for multires panos
                 or panoramic video.
          o New: device.mouse and device.touch device checks (device.touch is
                 replacing the device.gesturedevice check).
          o New: autorun setting for <action> elements to run them
                 automatically on startup.
          o New: minwidth, maxwidth and minheight, maxheight settings for
                 limiting the resulting layer sizes. Can be useful when using
                 percent values for the width or height settings.
          o New: Multi-variable tween() support - tween several variables
                 together at once.
          o New: Support tweening colors with the tween() action - when
                 tweening a variable with a name that contains the word
                 'color', then automatically interpret the values as 32bit
                 ARGB colors and process them accordingly.
          o New: callwith(caller,actions) action for calling action code with
                 using a specific caller (a plugin/layer or hotspot element)
                 for direct access to its properties (this is like the code
                 was called from an event from that element).
          o New: screentolayer(layer,sx,sy,lx,ly) and
                 layertoscreen(layer,lx,ly,sx,sy) actions for converting
                 positions between screen and relative layer coordinates.
          o New: clamp(var,min,max) action for clamping / limiting the value
                 of a variable to be between given min and max values.
          o New: tohex(var,prefix,length) action for converting numbers to
                 hexadecimal texts (e.g. for html/css colors).
          o New: tolower(var) and toupper(var) actions for converting the case
                 of texts.
          o New: browser.location variable - the url of the current webpage.
          o New: browser.domain variable - the domain of the current webpage.
          o New: 'Overshoot' tween types: easeInBack, easeOutBack and
          o New: Make the default 'showtext' action overrideable to allow
                 custom implementations.
          o New: Expose the pixel position of layer elements via pixelx and
          o New: control.touchzoom setting for enabling / disabling the touch
                 zoom gesture.
          o New: wheeldelta_touchscale variable for more detailed informaton
                 about the current zooming / scaling on touch devices.
          o New: view.mfovratio setting for setting a custom ratio for the
                 MFOV fovtype.
          o Change: When calling the tween() action with a variable that
                    contains get() queries, resolve them first before doing
                    the tween. This makes it possible to use get() queries
                    with variables that will change later for the tween()
          o Change: The view.stereographic setting is enabled by default.
          o Change: The view.pannini setting is now a linear numeric setting
                    from 0.0 to 1.0 instead of a boolean with true and false
                    and can be used for interpolation between enabled and
                    disabled Pannini projection.
          o Change: Slightly changed default preview grid() settings.
          o Change: The actions-per-frame limit ('actions overflow error') was
                    increased from 10.000 to 100.000.
          o Change: Don't show the 'tween type not found' warning anymore when
                    using an invalid tween type.
          o Change: The polygonal hotspot settings fillcolorhover,
                    fillalphahover, borderwidthhover, bordercolorhover,
                    borderalphahover, fadeintime, fadeincurve, fadeouttime,
                    fadeoutcurve are deprecated now. For the moment they are
                    still working in Flash for compatibility reasons, but only
                    when the version number in the xml is 1.17 or lower.
          o Fix: More accurate devices attribute checks - don't check for
                 partial device strings and correctly resolve combined iOS
                 version checks.
          o Fix: The if() action can now differ between variables that are not
                 defined and variables that have the value null.
          o Fix: The videourl paths with 'alternatives' will be now also
                 adjusted to be relative to the xml file.
          o Fix: Avoid script crashes when stopping delayedcalls or tweens
                 during they were processed.
          o Fix: Avoid script crashes when trying to set an attribute of a not
                 existing element.
          o Fix: Avoid conflicts when mixing 'layer' and 'plugin' as element
                 name when tweening the same element.

    * Videoplayer Plugin (videoplayer.swf, videoplayer.js)
          o New: Panoramic video support for HTML5 when WebGL is available.
          o New: Additionally (optional) parameters for the playvideo() action
                 - posterurl, pausedonstart, starttime.
          o New: Support using percent values in the seek() action.
          o New: onvideoplay event - will be sent when the video starts
          o New: videowidth and videoheight variables that are providing
                 information about the source video frame size.
          o New: isseeking and iswaiting state attributes for more information
                 about the current video state.
          o New: preferredformat setting for preferring a specific video
                 format (like mp4 or webm) when several are available and
          o New: Support the loadedbytes and totalbytes state attributes also
                 in HTML5.
          o Change: The videourl path is now relative to the xml file also in
                    Flash. The plugin uses the html file location information
                    provided by the embedding script to calculate the absolute
                    paths automatically.
          o Change: Scale the the video now via CSS 3D transforms - this
                    allows also non-proportional scaling without black borders.
          o Change: The onvideoready event will be called for panoramic videos
                    when the image.hfov and image.vfov values are known.
          o Fix: Better alternative videourl handling - support more video
                 file extensions and automatically try loading the next video
                 when the one previous one has failed.
          o Fix: Detect correctly when having loaded the first frame for
                 pausedonstart=true for panoramic video (Flash).
          o Fix: Correctly set the 'playsinline' settings for iOS (for custom
                 Apps that enable the WebView allowsInlineMediaPlayback
          o Fix: Manually load and show the poster image to skip several
                 browser-related bugs related to the poster image.
          o Fix: Support the iOS 8 related changes (video size detection,
                 video preloading).
          o Fix: No video touch-autostart for iPhone (because of the iPhone
          o Fix: Improved 'need a touch to start the video' detection.
          o Fix: Improved playback state (playing / paused / waiting)
          o Fix: Set the video CSS background automatically to transparent
                 when playing the video to avoid lines around the video in
                 some browsers in some cases.
          o Fix: Improved support for older (and buggy) Android browsers.
          o Fix: The video wasn't paused when using the video as distorted
                 hotspot with pausedonstart=true and visible=false (Flash).

    * Textfield Plugin (textfield.swf, HTML5:integrated)
          o New: Support individual radius values for each edge - roundedge.
          o New: HTML5 - these textfield settings can now be updated without
                 the internal need to rebuild the text: background,
                 backgroundcolor, backgroundalpha, bordercolor, borderalpha,
                 roundedge, shadow*, textshadow*.
                 This improves the performance and more important - it makes
                 it possible to change these settings in the over/out and
                 down/up mouse/touch events without eventually losing some
                 events when they are happening due the text rebuilding.
          o Fix: Update the underline and italic text styles correctly when
                 dynamically changing the css settings (Workaround for a
                 Flashplayer bug).
          o Fix: Make it possible to use an underline CSS style and
                 vcenter=true together in Webkit-based browsers (HTML5).

    * Scrollarea Plugin (scrollarea.swf, scrollarea.js)
          o Fix: Automatically scroll to be within the area after plugin size

    * Bingmaps Plugin (bingmaps.swf, bingmaps.js)
          o New: culturecode setting for custom languages for the map labels.
          o New: mapsapi setting for using different map api urls.
          o Fix: Missing custom spot images when the spots are 'outside the
                 map view' on startup.

    * Googlemaps Plugin (googlemaps.js)
          o New: tilt and heading settings for using rotating 45 degree maps.
          o New: controls setting for enabling or disabling the default Google
                 Maps controls.
          o New: language setting for custom languages for the map labels.
          o New: mapsapi setting for using different map api urls.
          o Fix: Correct spot and radar scaling in older Android browsers.

    * Combobox Plugin (combobox.swf, combobox.js)
          o Fix: Workaround for an iOS 8 bug that causes 'visible lines' in
                 the opened combobox field.
          o Fix: Workaround for a Mac Firefox bug that causes 'visible lines'
                 in the opened combobox field.
          o Fix: Wrong position of the opened combobox field on zoomed pages
                 in Chrome.
          o Fix: Use the mouse 'pointer' cursor for the combobox items.

    * Showtext Plugin (showtext.xml)
          o New: A new xml-only plugin that provides showtext() and extended
                 <textstyle> support for Flash and HTML5.

    * FPS Plugin (fps.xml)
          o New: A new and simple xml-only plugin that shows the current
                 rendering framerate.

    * Gyro Plugin (gyro.js)
          o New: Support Android Chrome, Android Firefox and Windows Phone /
          o New: Automatically change the display.loadwhilemoving setting to
                 true during enabled gyro (to allow loading multires panos
                 during gyro panning).
          o Change: The camroll setting is enabled by default now.
          o Change: The friction setting is 0.0 by default now.
          o Change: Never set the available attribute and send the onavailable
                    event on older Android browsers, the gyroscope wouldn't
                    work correctly there anyway.

    * Droplets / Templates / Skins / Examples
          o New: Embedded Youtube player example for Flash and HTML5.
          o New: Videoplayer plugin example.
          o New: Added an improved version of the Barrique Vine Cellar Tour to
                 the examples included in the download package.
          o New: Added an animated hotspot to the tooltip example.
          o New: Updated and improved contextmenu.xml.
          o New: defaultskin.xml - Updated and improved contextmenu.
          o New: vtourskin.xml - Updated and improved contextmenu.
          o New: vtourskin.xml - new <skin_settings> - title, thumbs,
                 loadscene_flags, loadscene_blend for easier adjusting the
                 skin behavior.
          o New: vtourskin.xml - make choose-able between Bing and Googlemaps
                 (slightly renamed maps <skin_settings> due this change).
          o New: embedpano.html - Set the iOS web-app status bar color to
                 black by default.
          o Fix: vtourskin.xml - don't make the thumbborder visible when there
                 is no thumb for the current scene.
          o Fix: vtourskin.xml - use area.pixelwidth/area.pixelheight instead
                 of stagewidth/stageheight to allow using the <area> settings.
          o Fix: Improved 'calcaspect' action in the fovtype example.

    * krpano Tools
          o Change: Makepano tool - automatically add devices="html5" in the
                    xml to <level> elements of extremely large mulitres levels
                    (levels with more than 25000 tiles) to avoid a slow
                    startup and too much memory usage in the Flashplayer.
          o Fix: krpano Tools - file paths that were containing a single quote
                 character (') weren't processed correctly in some cases.
          o Fix: Encrypt tool - automatically use the binary Flash-only
                 encryption mode for .swf files - even when the HTML5-
                 compatible encryption mode is enabled.
          o Fix: The tempdir setting wasn't working in all cases.
          o Fix: Transform tool - an internal maximum memory usage limit
                 wasn't checked correctly and that leads to slow system memory
                 swapping in some cases.
          o Fix: Update tool - hanging update dialog when there were no files
                 that could be updated.
          o Fix: Update tool - when updating demo viewer files, set the
                 correct default protection settings.
          o Fix: MakeTiles Tool - Crash when loading tiled tiff files as input.
          o Fix: MakeTiles Tool - Upscaling and tiling at the same time could
                 cause slightly wrong scaled/aligned output tiles with bad
                 lines in the last row tiles.


krpano 1.17.6 / 2014-10-17


    * One minor bugfix for the Javascript Interface in older IE browsers.

  Release Notes / Changes from 1.17.5 to 1.17.6:

    * krpano HTML Embedding Script (embedpano.js)
          o Fix: The embedding script of version 1.17.5 was using the wrong
                 Flashplayer embedding method in older IE browsers and this
                 was blocking the external Javascript Interface.


krpano 1.17.5 / 2014-08-26


    * Minor bugfixes.
    * Remove Webkit-code that could be problematic in future Chrome versions.
    * Improved Windows Phone support.
    * Improved Linux compatibility (lower GLIBC version).

  Release Notes / Changes from 1.17.4 to 1.17.5:

    * krpano HTML Embedding Script (embedpano.js)
          o Fix: Avoid the usage of Javascript Arrays and 'for in' loops to
                 avoid conflicts with Javascript frameworks that are extending
                 the default Array type.
          o Fix: Do correct Flashplayer embedding even when the Firefox
                 'plugins.enumerable_names' setting is set to empty.

    * krpano HTML5 Viewer (krpano.js)
          o Fix: Remove and replace the usage of the
                 webkitConvertPointFromNodeToPage and
                 webkitConvertPointFromPageToNode functions (they are buggy in
                 Chrome and Safari for scaled pages and will get removed from
                 future Chrome versions).
          o Fix: Improved Windows Phone 8.1 / Mobile Internet Explorer 11
                 support - better mobile viewport, use the device pixels for
                 the WebGL canvas, detect and pass the fake Android device
                 detection from Windows Phone 8.1 Update 1.
          o Fix: Missing mouse.x and mouse.y updates on Windows IE10/IE11
                 devices that support mouse and touch input.
          o Fix: Enable the WebGL 'preserveDrawingBuffer' setting by default
                 for Mac Firefox - it seems to provide more performance and
                 stability there.
          o Fix: Wrong (=one too much) onmousedown event when starting to
                 multitouch in older Android browsers.
          o Fix: Wrong viewport scaling in Android Chrome based browsers in
                 some cases.

    * krpano Flash Viewer (krpano.swf)
          o Fix: The error-case-loading-retry of crossdomain layer/hotspot
                 images that use http queries was causing a Flashplayer script
          o Fix: A very quick loading and unloading of redirected crossdomain
                 images could cause a Flashplayer script crash.

    * Bingmaps Plugin (bingmaps.swf, bingmaps.js)
          o Fix: Avoid the usage of the webkitConvertPoint* functions.
          o Fix: Support using the url placeholders in the spot image urls.

    * Googlemaps Plugin (googlemaps.js)
          o Fix: Avoid the usage of the webkitConvertPoint* functions.
          o Fix: Support using the url placeholders in the spot image urls.

    * Combobox Plugin (combobox.js)
          o Fix: Avoid the usage of the webkitConvertPoint* functions.

    * Videoplayer Plugin (videoplayer.swf, videoplayer.js)
          o Fix: Wrong size of the video in Flash in some cases.

    * krpano Tools
          o Fix: Improved Linux compatibility - the minimum GLIBC version of
                 the krpano command-line tools is now just 2.4 instead of 2.14.
          o Fix: Encrypt tool - automatically use the binary Flash-only
                 encryption mode for .swf files - even when the
                 HTML5-compatible encryption mode is enabled.
          o Fix: Update tool - hanging / not-closeable update dialog when
                 there were no files that could be updated.
          o Fix: Update tool - when updating demo viewer files, set the
                 correct default protection settings.


krpano 1.17.4 / 2014-06-04


    * Enable the WebGL usage for iOS 8.
    * Minor bugfixes.

  Release Notes / Changes from 1.17.3 to 1.17.4:

    * krpano HTML5 Viewer (krpano.js)
          o Change: WebGL will be used by default on iOS when available.
          o Fix: Use the full retina resolution for the WebGL canvas on iOS.
          o Fix: Added a workaround for an iOS 8 beta iPad page height bug.
          o Fix: Dynamically setting the distorted setting of hotspots leads
                 to a hidden hotspot in same cases.


krpano 1.17.3 / 2014-05-30


    * Minor bugfixes.
    * Added workarounds for Safari 7, iOS 7 bugs that can cause browser

  Release Notes / Changes from 1.17.2 to 1.17.3:

    * krpano HTML5 Viewer (krpano.js)
          o Fix: Added a workaround for a Mac Safari 7.0.x bug that can cause
          o Fix: Enable the iOS 7.0 'black tiles' / Safari crashing workaround
                 for all iOS versions above 7.0 (not just only for iOS 7.0).
          o Fix: Enable the same iOS/Safari crashing workaround also for
                 preview panos.
          o Fix: Wrong multi-resolution tile loading order when using
          o Fix: Always render the preview pano image when using heavy fisheye
                 distortions and irregular tiled images to avoid seeing the
                 cube edges in some cases.

    * krpano Flash Viewer (krpano.swf)
          o Fix: Avoid Flashplayer script crashes related to layer/plugin
                 scale9grid usage and invalid image sizes.


krpano 1.17.2 / 2014-05-09


    * Minor bugfixes.

  Release Notes / Changes from 1.17.1 to 1.17.2:

    * krpano HTML5 Viewer (krpano.js)
          o Fix: Wrong multiresolution tile loading order in some cases.
          o Fix: Avoid the reloading of Javascript plugins when requesting
                 them again while they are currently already loading.

    * krpano Flash Viewer (krpano.swf)
          o Fix: Allowing loading crossdomain layer/hotspot images that use
                 http queries.
          o Fix: Don't call the onnewpano event when there is no pano image.

    * Textfield Plugin (textfield.swf, HTML5:integrated)
          o Fix: Wrong automatic text size when the parent elements have zero
                 sizes (Flash).
          o Fix: Hide the textfield when parents elements were invisible until
                 the sizes are known (Flash).


krpano 1.17.1 / 2014-05-06


    * Minor bugfixes and improvements.
    * Several Textfield plugin fixes.
    * There is now a DMG image instead of a ZIP archive for Mac OSX.
      The usage of ZIP was invalidating the code signature on OSX 10.9
      ("Unknown Developer" message).

  Release Notes / Changes from 1.17 to 1.17.1:

    * krpano Tools
          o New: Windows HiDPI support for the krpano Testing Server.
          o Change: Avoid the generation of tiles and preview images that have
                    odd sizes (by slightly increasing the sizes in such cases)
                    to avoid this iOS 7 bug:
          o Change: The size of the preview images of partial and flat panos
                    depends now proportionally on the previewspsize setting
                    (instead of using this size either as width or height).
          o Fix: Wrong GUI scaling on Retina MacBooks.
          o Fix: Wrong button sizes when changing the zoom on Mac.
          o Fix: Skip hidden files (file names which begin with a '.'
                 character) when adding folders.

    * krpano HTML5 Viewer (krpano.js)
          o Fix: Support the viewport scaling of the Samsung Galaxy S5 stock
          o Fix: Changing autoalpha wasn't updating the visible setting in
                 all cases.
          o Fix: Support the usage of the textfield plugin as distorted
          o Fix: Prevent page scrolling when dragging a parent=STAGE or
                 parent=BGLAYER container or plugin element on touch devices.
          o Fix: Improved layer/container enabled=false support for IE10.
          o Fix: Improved CSS3D flat rendering for IE10 and Desktop Safari.

    * krpano Flash Viewer (krpano.swf)
          o Fix: Small layout updating performance improvements.
          o Fix: Changed plugin onresize event behavior to make it possible
                 to change the plugin size directly inside the event without
                 the need of a full plugin layout recalculation in the next
                 frame (an improvement especially for the textfield plugin
                 when using autowidth/autoheight).
          o Fix: Skip further onresize events when changing the area size and
                 the to-full-pixels rounded area sizes don't change.
          o Fix: Changing autoalpha wasn't updating the visible setting in
                 all cases.
          o Fix: Support the usage of the textfield plugin as distorted
          o Fix: Avoid Flashplayer script error when using layers with 0/0
                 sizes in some cases.

    * krpano XML Interface
          o New: remapfovtype(fov, srcfovtype, dstfovtype) action for
                 remapping / recalculating a fov value from one fovtype to

    * Textfield Plugin (textfield.swf, HTML5:integrated)
          o Change: The HTML5 stagescale behavior works different now -
                    instead of trying to adjust/scale the font-sizes and
                    border/padding sizes by parsing the html content, the
                    whole textfield itself will be scaled by CSS transforms
                    now. This way all html text elements will be scaled the
                    same way by the browser itself.
          o Fix: Slightly wrong padding when using vcenter=true (HTML5).
          o Fix: Links with 'event:' calls were not working when using single
          o Fix: Performance improvement for the autowidth/autoheight usage
          o Fix: Missing size updates when using autoheight=true and
                 dynamically changing the width in some cases (Flash).
          o Fix: A bug related to the internal data-type conversion, which can
                 lead to several strange behaviors when reloading the
                 textfield xml declaration (Flash).
          o Fix: Clickable links (Flash).
          o Fix: Set a default <a> link CSS style (Flash).
          o Fix: Added a workaround for a Flashplayer bug related to missing
          o Fix: Don't show popup errors in the Debug Flashplayer when loading
                 an inline image was not possible.
          o Fix: Support the usage as distorted hotspot.

    * Scrollarea Plugin (scrollarea.swf, scrollarea.js)
          o Change: Don't capture the mouse wheel events when mwheel is set
                    to false.

    * Editor Plugin (editor.swf)
          o Fix: Support the new textfield plugin.

    * Droplets / Templates / Skins
          o Change: Scale the defaultskin.xml buttons 2x on mobile devices.
          o Change: Improved flat pano default skin - make sure that the whole
                    image will be seen at startup and adjust the viewing
                    settings during window resizing.


krpano 1.17 / 2014-04-03


    * Final 1.17 release.
    * HTML5 Multiresolution support.
    * HTML5 Flat pano support.
    * New and easier-to-use license system.
    * New GUI for the Protect, Encrypt and Update tools.
    * Full Linux versions (GUI + command line tools).
    * Improved Textfield plugin.
    * Fixed iOS 7.0 'black tiles' problem.
    * Updated skins.
    * Many detail improvements and fixes.

  Release Notes / Changes from 1.17 Pre Release 2 to 1.17 Final Release:

    * krpano Tools
          o New: New GUI for the Protect, Encrypt and Update tools.
          o New: Full Linux versions.
          o New: Automatically embed the license information into the
                 krpano.swf and krpano.js files inside the 'viewer' folder
                 when registering the license or just when starting the
                 krpano Tools application when already registered.
          o New: The core krpano viewer files are now also directly integrated
                 into the krpano tools binary to avoid the need of external
                 viewer files when creating new krpano viewer output files.
          o New: Update tool - Support sub-folder adding and update also
          o New: Protect tool - Support also viewer files with already
                 embedded licenses as input/base files when generating new
                 protected viewer files.
          o New: Protect tool - New '-encemb' setting for encrypting all
                 embedded files.
          o New: Protect tool - New '-bk' setting for making a backup of the
                 input file when encrypting and overwriting the original file.
          o Fix: Protect tool - Crash when trying to embed more than 2048
          o Fix: Several path problems when running the krpano tools in paths
                 with Unicode characters (Windows-only).
          o Fix: Transform tool - Check for a valid fov value in view mode.
          o Fix: Makepano and maketiles tool - Crash and wrong output folders
                 when the input image path contains an unexpected '%'
          o Fix: Support the xmlimageparameters setting also for non-multires

    * krpano HTML5 Viewer (krpano.js)
          o New: Fixed iOS 7.0 'black tiles' problem.
          o New: Prealign support.
          o New: Improved blending strategy / behavior when loading a new pano
                 during the current blending.
          o New: Support * as wildcard character for the domain limit names.
          o New: iOS 7.1 seems to be much more stable now, therefore increase
                 the default memory limit to 50 MB (in tests even 100 MB where
                 running stable with iOS 7.1).
          o Fix: Wrong hotspot children scaling in some cases.
          o Fix: Blur distorted hotspots in IE in some cases.
          o Fix: Wrong scaling in the stock (Chrome-based) browser on some
                 newer Samsung Android devices.
          o Fix: Added a workaround for the Linux Chrome 'much too fast
                 requestAnimationFrame() callbacks' bug (too high framerate /
                 too fast panning).
          o Fix: Dynamically changing the handcursor setting wasn't working.
          o Fix: Use the device pixel resolution for WebGL also on Desktop.
          o Fix: Improved workarounds for CSS3D clipping bugs in several
          o Fix: CSS3D rounding problems which lead to rendering errors.
          o Fix: Switching back from the 'full-window' iOS-fullscreen-mode
                 wasn't working correctly on iOS 7 iPads.
          o Fix: Automatic fallback to BLEND() when ZOOMBLEND() was used.
          o Fix: The onxmlcomplete event was called two times in some cases
                 when preload=true was used on some plugins.
          o Fix: The value of the view.fovtype setting was case-sensitive.
          o Fix: One pixel scroll offset in the iPhone landscape fullscreen
                 mode on iOS 7.1.
          o Fix: Wrong overlapping edges in CSS3D rendering in some cases.
          o Fix: Improved layer enabled=false support for IE10.
          o Fix: Inaccurate scale9grid rendering in Mac Firefox.

    * krpano Flash Viewer (krpano.swf)
          o New: Support * as wildcard character for the domain limit names.
          o Change: Finally removed the deprecated alias 'origin' for the
                    'align' setting to ensure Flash-HTML5 compatibility.
          o Fix: Tweening setter/getter variables wasn't working correctly.
          o Fix: Avoid Flashplayer script crashes when dynamically creating
                 elements with numbers as name.
          o Fix: Changing dynamically the maskchildren setting wasn't working.
          o Fix: Use pixel-smoothing for ZOOMBLEND().
          o Fix: Avoid the error about the HTML5-only control.bouncinglimits

    * krpano XML Interface
          o New: stopmovements() action for instantly stopping all user-driven
                 (by mouse, keyboard or touch) panning and zooming movements.
          o New: getlooktodistance(result, toH, toV, fromH*, fromV*) action
                 for getting the spherical distance between two lookto points
                 in the pano.
          o New: fromcharcode(varname,charcode) action for converting a
                 character code to a string.
          o New: onnewscene event - similar to onxmlcomplete but will be only
                 called when loading new scenes.
          o Fix: The hlookatrange / vlookatrange variables were returning
                 wrong values when there were no predefined limits and the
                 limitview setting wasn't set to auto.
          o Fix: Automatically stop all current user movements on a lookto()

    * Textfield Plugin (textfield.swf, HTML5:integrated)
          o New: autowidth setting for automatic adjusting the plugin size to
                 the text width.
          o New: padding setting for spaces around the text (can be individual
                 for each side).
          o New: Do automatic updates when changing the textfield properties.
          o New: selectable and wordwrap settings support for HTML5.
          o New: API and example for creating and using embedded Flash fonts.
          o Change: autowidth will be enabled by default when no width will be
          o Change: autoheight will be enabled by default when no height will
                    be set.
          o Change: The default font is Arial instead of Times New Roman now.
          o Change: The text offsets were adjusted for the same result in
                    Flash and HTML5.
          o Change: The selectable setting is false by default now.
          o Change: The autosize setting is deprecated and should not be used
          o Fix: Autosizing updates when using the textfield as hotspot.
          o Fix: Round-up the textfield border sizes to full pixels to avoid
                 that the borders become invisible on stage-scaling (html5).

    * Scrollarea Plugin (scrollarea.swf, scrollarea.js)
          o New: overscroll, friction, acceleration, returnacceleration,
                 momentum settings for customizing / fine-tuning the movement
          o Fix: Update the overflow values on plugin resizing.
          o Fix: Missed external x/y position updates in some cases.

    * Bingmaps Plugin (bingmaps.swf, bingmaps.js)
          o Fix: Avoid map size problems when the Bing Maps plugin was loaded
                 more than once inside the same viewer instance (HTML5 only).

    * Googlemaps Plugin (HTML5 only, googlemaps.js)
          o New: Added a googlemaps.swf Flash plugin with support for the new
                 license system for backward compatibility.
          o Fix: The Google Maps plugin can now be loaded more than once.
          o Fix: Added a workaround for the Google Maps API IE11
                 mouse-wheel bug.
          o Fix: Detect if the visibility of the Google Maps DOM element has
                 changed and force a redraw (a workaround for a Google Maps
                 API bug).

    * Droplets / Templates / Skins
          o New: defaultskin.xml - Updated / refined xml code, Retina-
                 resolution-buttons, autorotate button, same contextmenu as in
                 the vtourskin.xml, slightly modified mouse cursors.
          o New: Added the new iOS 7.1 'minimal-ui' viewport setting to all
                 templates and examples (for more screenspace and better
                 experience on the iPhone).
          o New: Improved scrolling textfield example (easy resizing,
                 scale9grid, mousewheel and dragging scrolling).
          o Change: flat panos - Different default panning limits for better
                    panning experience. Uses the defaultskin.xml as skin.
          o Change: The ENCRYPT XML Droplet will now overwrite the input file
                    and make a backup instead of creating a new named file.
          o Fix: vtourskin.xml - Select the correct map spot when using
          o Fix: Updated multiframe.config and multiframe.xml files.


krpano 1.17 Pre Release 2 / 2014-01-10


    * Minor bugfixes and improvements.
    * New ENCRYPT XML droplet for easily encrypting xml files.
    * Support for compressed encrypted xml files (enabled by default in the
      encrypt droplet).
    * Support for Mouse Wheel usage in the scrollarea plugin.

  Release Notes / Changes from 1.17 Pre Release to 1.17 Pre Release 2:

    * krpano HTML5 Viewer (krpano.js)
          o New: Support for compressed encrypted xml/plugin files.
          o New: Support for the network.retrycount setting.
          o New: Added support for the display.hardwarelimit setting (required
                 for the old Safari 5.1 browser when viewing non-multires
                 panos with cubeface images larger than ~1980px, and for
                 mobile devices when using too large images).
          o New: Improved touching friction on lower framerates.
          o Fix: Added workarounds for several multitouch bugs of older
                 Android Chrome versions (this relates also to browsers which
                 are based on that old Chrome versions, like many Samsung
                 Android browsers).
          o Fix: The CORS xml loading in IE10/IE11 wasn't working.
          o Fix: Added support for the progress.progress value (will work
                 normally for 'normal/single-res' panos, for multires panos it
                 will only show the loading state of the first resolution
          o Fix: Avoid 'null' loading requests when changing plugin/hotspot

    * krpano Flash Viewer (krpano.swf)
          o New: Support for compressed encrypted xml files.
          o Fix: Missing Math.pow action.
          o Fix: Remove the '\n' at the lineend from the consolelog=true

    * ScrollArea Plugin (scrollarea.swf, scrollarea.js)
          o New: Mouse Wheel scrolling support (with special detecting for
                 touchpads and smooth scrolling mouses).
          o Fix: Use the whole plugin area as 'hit-area' (Flash).

    * Bingmaps Plugin (bingmaps.swf, bingmaps.js)
          o Change: Smaller bingmaps.js filesize due new encrypted xml/plugin

    * Googlemaps Plugin (HTML5-only, googlemaps.js)
          o Change: Smaller googlemaps.js filesize due encrypted xml/plugin
          o Fix: Keep the current map center on resizing and visibility

    * krpano Tools (all)
          o Fix: Mac/Linux-only - When passing a filename without path, use
                 the current folder as path.
          o Fix: Mac-only - Endless hanging when trying to build more than
                 ~240 files (e.g. tiles in the maketiles or makepano tool) at
                 the same time.

    * krpanotools - Makepano Tool
          o Fix: Skip cubeside detecting when having pre-set a specific
          o Fix: Windows-only - Files larger than 4 GB got skipped wrongly.
          o Fix: Windows-only - Convert unicode log outputs to the codepage of
                 the console.

    * krpanotools - Encrypt Tool
          o New: ENCRYPT XML droplet for easily encrypting xml files.
          o New: Support for compressed encrypted xml and js-plugin files.
          o New: Public-encrypted xml or js-plugin files (like the
                 bingmap.js/googlemaps.js) can be re-encrypted with
          o New: '-z' setting for enabling the compression.
          o New: '-bin' setting to force using the binary Flash-only
          o Change: Automatically use the HTML5-compatible encryption for xml
          o Change: When the '-h5' setting will be used, when only the
                    HTML5-compatible encryption will be used. Files that can't
                    be encrypted with that mode will be skipped.
          o Change: Add '.encrypted.*' by default to the encrypted files.
          o Change: Add '.original.*' by default to original files when using
                    the '-rn' setting.
          o Change: When there is already a '.original' backup file, make
                    another one.
          o Fix: The '-h5' setting was ignored when using the '-rn' setting at
                 the same time.


krpano 1.17 Pre Release / 2013-12-19


    * New krpano HTML5 viewer with Multiresolution support. The new viewer
      offers high-performance and high-quality pano rendering and can easily
      handle any kind of panoramic-image size - from several Gigapixel up to
      Tera- or even Petapixel.

    * Improved HTML5 Support
          o HTML5 Multiresolution support.
          o HTML5 Flat pano support.
          o HTML5 Google Maps plugin.

    * New and easier-to-use license system without license files.

    * Several simplifications - merged tools, renamed files, fewer download
      packages, ...

    * Several small improvements and fixes. Please see the release notes below
      for more details.

  Release Notes / Changes from 1.16.9 to 1.17 Pre Release:

    * krpano HTML5 Viewer (renamed: krpanoiphone.js => krpano.js)
          o New: HTML5 Multiresolution support (for cubical and flat panos).
          o New: Flat pano support (multires & normal).
          o New: Improved iOS stability.
          o New: image.multiresthreshold support.
          o New: view.maxpixelzoom support.
          o New: view.limitview=auto support for flat panos.
          o New: control.zoomtocursor and control.zoomoutcursor support (for
                 mouse and touch controls).
          o New: bgcolor support.
          o New: memory.maxmem setting.
          o New: display.loadwhilemoving setting.
          o New: The zooming / fov-changing operates now internally at a
                 'linear scale' - that means constant zooming speed regardless
                 of the current zoom.
          o New: bouncinglimits setting for a 'bouncing-back' effect when
                 hitting the zooming or panning limits.
          o New: Support loading local xml files in IE10 / IE11.
          o New: Improved multi-touch support for Desktop Chrome.
          o New: Amazon Silk support (Silk = the Kindle Fire browser).
          o Change: No external license file anymore, only embedded licenses.
          o Change: The default value for view.fovmin is now 1.0 instead of
                    50.0 (like in the Flash version).
          o Fix: Improved panning friction on deep zooms.
          o Fix: Wrong pano blending times.
          o Fix: Full WebGL resolution on Retina Macs (Chrome and Firefox).
          o Fix: Use the window.devicePixelRatio setting in newer Android
                 Firefox versions.
          o Fix: IE11 fullscreen mode via the contextmenu on touch-enabled
          o Fix: Wrong height in IE11 when switching to fullscreen mode from
          o Fix: Contextmenu - don't draw a separator when there is no item
          o Fix: Contextmenu - don't show the contextmenu when 'empty'.
          o Fix: CSS3D display errors with architectural projection in same

    * krpano Flash Viewer (krpano.swf)
          o Change: No external license file anymore, only embedded licenses.
          o Fix: Contextmenu - don't draw a separator when there is no item
          o Fix: Contextmenu - don't show the contextmenu when 'empty'.
          o Fix: Sometimes 'strange' appearing contextmenu in the Chrome
                 Flashplayer (A workaround for a Chrome Flashplayer bug
                 related to font metrics/rendering).

    * krpano HTML Embedding (renamed: swfkrpano.js => embedpano.js)
          o New: js embedding setting for setting the path to the krpano.js
          o Change: No external license file loading anymore.
          o Change: When using the Chrome browser with a local/offline pano
                    that has html5=prefer set, then use the Flash version by
                    default to avoid the Chrome limitation that prevents the
                    loading of local xml files.
          o Change: Remove the outdated 'createswf' wrapper function.
          o Fix: Avoid the 'event.returnValue' warning in Chrome.

    * krpano XML / Actions Interface
          o New: 'Secure actions': <action name="..." secure="true">
                  These actions will be callable from Javascript even when the
                  Javascript interface is disabled (for external interaction
                  only via custom interfaces).
          o New: resolvecondition(variable,condition) and
                 resolvecondition(variable,conjunction,condition) actions for
                 parsing/resolving a condition and storing or mixing the
                 result in a variable.
          o New: txtreplace() action for searching and replacing texts inside
                 other texts.
          o New: stoplookto() action for stopping non-blocking lookto actions.
          o New: view.hlookatrange and view.vlookatrange variables for getting
                 the current viewing limit range.
          o New: contextmenu.item.showif setting for conditional context menu
          o Change: Automatically update the view.hlookatmin, view.hlookatmax,
                    view.vlookatmin and view.vlookatmax variables when using

    * Bingmaps Plugin (bingmaps.swf, bingmaps.js)
          o Change: No external license file anymore, use the license embedded
                    in the viewer.

    * Googlemaps Plugin (HTML5-only, googlemaps.js)
          o New: HTML5 Google Maps Plugin.
          o Pre Release: The default Google controls can't be customized or
                         disabled at the moment.

    * Videoplayer Plugin (videoplayer.swf, videoplayer.js)
          o Fix: Prefer .webm over .mp4 because of Chrome's mp4 problems.

    * krpano Tools (all)
          o New: Full Unicode filename support (for Windows, Mac and Linux
                 have it already).
          o New: Use libjpeg-turbo for faster JPEG compression and
                 decompression (Windows only at the moment).
          o Change: All krpano command-line tools were merged into one single

    * krpanotools - Makepano Tool (previously: kmakemultires)
          o New: Support Flat-pano output for HTML5 (=> no devices=flash and
                 no html5=auto/never for flat panos/scenes in the xml anymore).
          o New: levelsizes settings for providing manual level sizes.

    * krpanotools - Protect Tool (previously: kprotectcl)
          o New: noex setting to forbid xml and plugin files from external
          o New: pxml setting to allow only privately-encrypted xml files.
          o New: nojsmerge setting for building a licensed HTML5 viewer file
                 without merged / embedded 'krpano Embedding Script'

    * Templates / Skins
          o New: vtourskin.xml - HTML5-compatible tooltips.
          o New: vtourskin.xml - Added a contextmenu with items for
                 control-mode changing and several projection modes.
          o New: vtourskin.xml - Added a setting for looping the thumbs with
                 next/previous buttons.


krpano 1.16.9 / 2013-10-28


    * IE11 support.
    * Minor bugfixes.

  Release Notes / Changes from 1.16.8 to 1.16.9:

    * krpano Flash Viewer (krpano.swf)
          o Fix: Wrong hotspot children positions when zooming and having
                 scalechildren enabled.

    * krpano HTML5 Viewer (krpanoiphone.js)
          o Fix: Support for the final IE11 browser (which has different
                 pointer events).
          o Fix: iOS 7 Safari landscape mode with controls on the iPhone.
          o Fix: 'touchtype=moveto' control mode.

    * ScrollArea Plugin (scrollarea.js)
          o Fix: Support for the final IE11 browser (which has different
                 pointer events).

    * kmakemultires Tool (Droplets)
          o Fix: Wrong negative levelsize height calculation and crash due
                 this when using large flat/partial images.

    * kmaketiles Tool
          o Fix: Numeric (32bit-integer) overflow when proportionally
                 resizing large images.


krpano 1.16.8 / 2013-09-27


    * Minor bugfixes.

  Release Notes / Changes from 1.16.7 to 1.16.8:

    * krpano Flash Viewer (krpano.swf)
          o Fix: Correct pixelwidth/pixelheight values for zoom=true hotspots.
          o Fix: Wrong scaleschildren=true children scaling for hotspots.
          o Fix: <include> inside <data> wasn't resolved.

    * krpano HTML5 Viewer (krpanoiphone.js)
          o Fix: switch() bug when comparing numeric and string values.
          o Fix: Correct sizes (and pixelwidth/pixelheight values) for
                 scaleschildren=true children elements.
          o Fix: The hotspot pixelwidth/pixelheight sizes are now independent
                 of the zoom=true scaling.
          o Fix: Expose the addlayer(addplugin) / addhotspot /
                 removelayer(removeplugin) / removehotspot actions to the
                 plugin-interface (for getting and direct calling).

    * Editor Plugin (editor.swf)
          o Fix: More accurate numbers.

    * Videoplayer Plugin (videoplayer.swf)
          o Fix: Workaround for a Flashplayer bug which causes delays and
                 empty video frames when looping the video.

    * Examples
          o Change: Updated images in XML Slider example.
          o Change: Updated Splitscreen / Syncscreen examples.


krpano 1.16.7 / 2013-09-11


    * Minor bugfixes.
    * Workaround for the iOS 7 iPad landscape bug.

  Release Notes / Changes from 1.16.6 to 1.16.7:

    * krpano Flash Viewer (krpano.swf)
          o Fix: Wrong hotspot position when using maskchildren.
          o Fix: The hotspot onovercrop/ondowncrop settings weren't working
                 when using scale9grid.

    * krpano HTML5 Viewer (krpanoiphone.js)
          o Fix: Workaround for the iPad iOS 7 Safari landscape bug: iOS 7
                 Safari is buggy on the iPad and reports a wrong (too large)
                 height for the pano html element.
          o Fix: Workaround for the iPad Chrome landscape bug: Chrome
                 sometimes (after device rotations) reports a wrong (too
                 small) height for the pano html element.
          o Fix: Correct keyboard focus handling for input into html forms.
          o Fix: Domain limitation check also for the 'full' domain name
                 (=without ignoreing the sub-domain).
          o Fix: Avoid scale9grid flickering in iOS Chrome.
          o Fix: The ox/oy positions weren't scaled when scalechildren=true
                 is set.
          o Fix: The ox/oy positions with percent sizes weren't scaled by the

    * krpano XML / Actions Interface
          o Fix: Allow using empty strings as %$VAR% url placeholder.

    * Soundinterface Plugin (soundinterface.js)
          o Fix: Automatic sound-start by first-touch anywhere also in all
                 Android browsers.
          o Fix: Better browser fileformat-support detection (especially

    * Videoplayer Plugin (videoplayer.swf)
          o Fix: Avoid Flash script-break when using a distorted hotspot with
                 visible=false and pausedonstart=true.

    * kmakemultires Tool (Droplets)
          o New: Optionally allow layered psd/psb files as input via the
                 ignorelayers setting.
          o Fix: Wrong level heights with enabled adjustlevelsizes setting for
                 spherical panos.

    * Examples
          o Fix: Panoramic Videos - videointerface.xml - Calculate the times
                 correctly (rounding down instead of normal rounding).

    * Templates / Skins
          o Fix: Missing androidbuttons.png in the


krpano 1.16.6 / 2013-08-09


    * Minor bugfixes.

  Release Notes / Changes from 1.16.5 to 1.16.6:

    * krpano Flash Viewer (krpano.swf)
          o Fix: Avoid actions crash when using 'null' as tween-type in the
                 tween action.
          o Fix: Round pixel positions correctly when using accuracy=0 for
                 normal hotspots.
          o Fix: Provide the undocumented and still experimental
                 unloadkrpano() action for dynamically removing the krpano
                 Flash viewer from the Flash stage again.
          o Fix: The events.onclick event was dispatched wrongly when moving
                 the mouse only horizontally or vertically between the mouse
                 button down and up events.
          o Fix: Update the area.pixel* values instantly before dispatching
                 the onresize event.

    * krpano HTML5 Viewer (krpanoiphone.js)
          o Fix: Support for the Chrome 28 'fullscreen mode' on iPad.
          o Fix: Dragging control - stop previous friction when starting
                 dragging again.
          o Fix: Dragging control - moving friction stops too early when
                 zoomed in.
          o Fix: Update the area.pixel* values instantly before dispatching
                 the onresize event to avoid double onresize events.
          o Fix: Distorted hotspot rendering on IE11 in Fisheye/Stereographic
          o Fix: Improved distorted hotspot clickability for
                 Android Chrome 28+ and BlackBerry.
          o Fix: When multi-touching, track only the first finger as
          o Fix: Allow only one touch on a plugin/layer/hotspot at the same

    * krpano HTML Embedding (swfkrpano.js)
          o Fix: Wrong HTML5 support detection in Opera Mini on iOS.

    * krpano XML / Actions Interface
          o Fix: Correct parsing of [ ] characters inside string quote

    * kmakemultires Tool (Droplets)
          o Fix: Allow using the [ ] characters in folder paths.

    * krpano Update Tool
          o Fix: Update js files with new viewer but old license-embed mode


krpano 1.16.5 / 2013-07-09


    * Improved HTML5 support (IE11 with WebGL and Fullscreen support)
    * Minor bugfixes.

  Release Notes / Changes from 1.16.4 to 1.16.5:

    * krpano Flash Viewer (krpano.swf)
          o Fix: Wrong coordinates of the screentosphere() action when using
                 the Architectural projection.
          o Fix: Render at least the <preview> pano image when invalid <image>
                 settings were used (multires=true but no <level> elements).
          o Fix: The fscommand() action wasn't working.

    * krpano HTML5 Viewer (krpanoiphone.js)
          o New: IE11 support (WebGL, HTML5 Fullscreen API, ...).
          o Fix: Better WebGL support for some buggy mobile GPUs (graphic
                 errors like 'pyramids' at the nadir/zenith area).
          o Fix: Correct WebGL rendering viewport on size-limited rendering
          o Fix: Avoid endless event loops when changing the stagescale
                 setting inside the onresize event.
          o Fix: Disable the automatic iPhone urlbar hiding (full-window mode)
                 when the viewer was embedded inside nested html elements.
          o Fix: Call textfield 'event:' action-code with caller-reference.
          o Fix: Support the Fisheye / Stereographic / Architectural
                 projections in the spheretoscreen() and screentosphere()
          o Fix: Inverse sweep-friction problem in touchtype=moveto control
          o Fix: Improved enabled=false/children=false handling for children
                 layer elements.

    * Gyro Plugin (gyro.js)
          o Fix: Add partial fallback when the browser doesn't support the
                 window.orientation property (e.g. IE11, Android Firefox).

    * Combobox Plugin (combobox.js)
          o Fix: Correct scaling on several Android browsers and devices.

    * kmakemultires Tool (Droplets)
          o Fix: EXIF GPS parsing bug for some images.

    * kprotectcl Tool
          o Fix: Automatically correct domain names with an invalid '/'
                 character at the end.

    * Examples / Templates / Skins
          o Fix: vtourskin.xml - Do correct check for already loaded scene
                 before updating the scene infos (no 'parent not found' error
                 anymore when not-loading (or delayed loading) the first scene
                 at startup).
          o Fix: Add names to the contextmenu items to avoid getting duplicate
                 entries when loading the xml again.


krpano 1.16.4 / 2013-06-05


    * Minor bugfixes and changes.

  Release Notes / Changes from 1.16.3 to 1.16.4:

    * krpano Flash Viewer (krpano.swf)
          o Change: The xml-entity handling for <data> elements was improved
                    for better HTML5-compatibility. Now all <data> elements in
                    a xml file will be pre-processed (CDATA enclosing +
                    manually xml-entity resolving) to provide the same
                    data[...].content values for Flash and HTML5.
                    Warning - there can be side-effects when <data> elements
                    were used also in custom xml structures!
          o Fix: The adjusthlookat() action wasn't working fully correct.

    * krpano HTML5 Viewer (krpanoiphone.js)
          o Change: Use the full/real screen-resolution for the WebGL-
                    rendering on Hi-DPI Android and BlackBerry devices.
          o Change: Whitelist fullscreen-mode-support for Android Chrome 28
                    and higher.
          o Change: Prefer WebGL for Android Firefox 22 or higher (Mozilla has
                    dramatically improved the WebGL performance in this
                    Firefox version).
          o Fix: Added a workaround for the Android Firefox CSS3D pano/layer
                 overlapping problem.
          o Fix: Correct stagescale for Android Chrome 18 based mobile-
                 browsers (e.g. the Samsung Galaxy S4 stock browser).
          o Fix: Correct stagescale for BlackBerry mobiles (Q10, Z10).
          o Fix: Avoid too small values in the CSS3D styles for normal
                 hotspots for correct rendering in all cases.
          o Fix: Filter/skip the first sub-domain when checking for domain-

    * krpano XML / Actions Interface
          o Change: No 'tween type not found warning' when using an
                    'empty string' or 'null' as tween type. Just use the
                    default tween type 'easeOutQuad' in this case.

    * krpano HTML Embedding (swfkrpano.js)
          o New: html5=fallback setting to prefer Flash and use HTML5 only as
          o Change: Prefer the HTML5 viewer on mobiles/tablets when using
          o Fix: Ignore supposed successful CSS3D detection in older Android
                 versions (below Android 4.0) on some devices.

    * krpano Tools (all)
          o Fix: License-error problem with embedded HTML5 licenses which have
                 single-quote / apostrophe characters in their registration


krpano 1.16.3 / 2013-05-06


    * Minor bugfixes and changes.
    * All Mac OS X tools are signed now.

  Release Notes / Changes from 1.16.2 to 1.16.3:

    * krpano Flash Viewer (krpano.swf)
          o Fix: The xml-entity resolving inside <data> elements wasn't fully
                 working as expected.
          o Fix: Avoid error when changing the display.flash10 setting in the
                 onready embedding callback.
          o Fix: Allow online usage also for demo-version swf files.

    * krpano HTML5 Viewer (krpanoiphone.js)
          o Change: Prefer CSS3D instead of WebGL on Android Stock / WebView-
                    based browsers (some Android devices tend to perform very
                    bad with WebGL).
          o Fix: When using autoheight=true and setting the textfield html
                 setting to empty, then the previous text was still displayed.
          o Fix: Avoid too small values in the CSS3D styles for distorted
                 hotspots for correct rendering in all cases.
          o Fix: Prefer <tablet> images (when <mobile> and <tablet> images are
                 available) also on Windows 8 RT and BlackBerry tablets.
          o Fix: Set device.ios=true in iPhone/iPad simulator mode.

    * krpano HTML Embedding (swfkrpano.js)
          o Fix: Pass xml=null correctly to the Flash viewer.

    * krpano XML / Actions Interface
          o Change: Error messages will be shown with a 500ms delay. This
                    should avoid wrong loading error messages when the browser
                    interrupts the downloads when quickly leaving the page.
                    This change applies to fatal-error messages and the
                    log-opening for normal error messages.
          o Fix: mod() with negative values.

    * Bingmaps Plugin (bingmaps.swf)
          o Fix: Avoid Flashplayer crash on large zooms in some cases.

    * Combobox Plugin (combobox.swf)
          o Fix: Update krpano-side item data structures on combobox addItem /
                 addIdItem / removeall calls.

    * Soundinterface Plugin (soundinterface.js)
          o Fix: No Javascript errors when trying to stop pending (iOS) or
                 loading-have-failed sounds.
          o Fix: Pending sounds (iOS) will not start playing anymore on touch
                 after their were actually stopped by a stopsound() call.

    * krpano Tools (all)
          o New: All krpano tools and droplets are signed now for
                 Mac OS X 10.8.
          o Change: krpano Protect Tool - GUI layout adjustments for Mac OS X.
          o Change: krpano Update Tool - GUI layout adjustments for Mac OS X.

    * kmakemultires Tool (Droplets) / kprotectcl Tool
          o Fix: Allow online usage also for demo-version swf files.

    * Examples
          o Fix: Panoramic Videos - videointerface.xml - Correctly sized

    * Templates / Skins
          o Change: vtourskin.xml - Avoid gyro usage on Android devices.
          o Fix: vtourskin.xml - Rename the 'title' variable to 'spottitle'
                 in the 'skin_addmapspots' action to avoid overwritting the
                 tour title when using the tooltips_mapspots setting.


krpano 1.16.2 / 2013-04-12


    * Minor bugfixes and changes.
    * New customizable HTML5 CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing) setting for
      more control when loading images from other domains.

  Release Notes / Changes from 1.16.1 to 1.16.2:

    * krpano Flash Viewer (krpano.swf)
          o Change: The automatic xml-entity resolving for <action>, <data>
                    and <scene> elements was changed for HTML5-compatibility -
                    now only entities inside <action> elements will be
                    automatically resolved.

    * krpano HTML5 Viewer (krpanoiphone.js)
          o New: Adjustable CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing) setting for
                 the image loading -
          o New: Support for the Chrome 26 iPhone 'Fullscreen' mode.
          o New: Predefined hotspot[...].point array for Flash compatibility.
          o Fix: The domain-limitation wasn't working on 'www.' domains.
          o Fix: Automatic xml-entity resolving for <action> elements.
          o Fix: Correct stagescale also without the
                 'target-densitydpi=device-dpi' viewport setting in Android
                 Stock/WebView browsers.
          o Fix: Distorted hotspots were above layers in Android Stock/WebView
          o Fix: Distorted hotspots weren't distorted in Android Firefox when
                 preferring WebGL.

    * krpano HTML Embedding (swfkrpano.js)
          o Fix: External html5 license loading problem when the viewer-file
                 was loaded before the license-file.
          o Fix: The onready callback works now also in IE6, IE7 and IE8.

    * krpano XML / Actions Interface
          o Fix: Wrong number-detection in if-compares for some cases.
          o Fix: mod() with negative values.
          o Fix: Ignore preload=true for container elements.

    * ScrollArea Plugin (scrollarea.js)
          o Fix: More stability in Android Stock/WebView browsers on HiDPI

    * Radar Plugin (radar.swf, radar.js)
          o Fix: Better rendering quality (Flash).
          o Fix: Line wasn't drawn (HTML5).

    * kmakemultires Tool (Droplets)
          o Change: When some input panos are not html5-compatible and
                    html5=prefer is used as default embedding setting, then
                    automatically switch to html5=auto (when some of the pano
                    are html5-compatible) or to html5=never (when no pano is
          o Fix: More informative error message when accidentally trying to
                 use too old krpano viewer files.

    * Examples
          o New: Added scenes-with-imagemap-2 example for showing how to put
                 the radar behind the spots.
          o Change: Vidoeplayer 360 - added poster-image and show paused
                    button on pausedonstart=true (e.g. for iOS).

    * Templates / Skins
          o Change: defaultskin.xml - use the fullscreensupport devices
                    setting for showing the fullscreen buttons.
          o Fix: vtourksin.xml - missing scene information update for the
                 first scene.
          o Fix: vtourksin.xml - no thumbnail dragging on touch devices when
                 the thumbs_onhoverscrolling skin setting is enabled.


krpano 1.16.1 / 2013-03-30


    * Minor bugfixes and changes.
    * Improved support for older Mac Safari versions.
    * Customizable xml filename for the Virtual Tour Editor Plugin.

  Release Notes / Changes from 1.16 to 1.16.1:

    * krpano Flash Viewer (krpano.swf)
          o Fix: Problem when the <scene> onstart attribute contains '&' or
                 '=' characters.
          o Fix: looktohotspot() with polygonal hotspots.

    * krpano HTML5 Viewer (krpanoiphone.js)
          o Fix: Support for older Desktop Safari versions.
          o Fix: Textfield shadow for older Webkit Safari versions.

    * krpano HTML Embedding (swfkrpano.js)
          o Fix: Disable wmode=direct for older Mac Safari versions.

    * krpano XML / Actions Interface
          o Fix: Avoid endless moving when calling looktohotspot() with an
                 invalid non-numeric fov value.

    * Combobox HTML5 Plugin (combobox.js)
          o Fix: Use the <area> size as limiting screen size to avoid opening
                 the combobox out of the visible range.

    * Virtual Tour Editor Plugin (vtoureditor.swf)
          o New: Added xmlfilename setting.

    * Gyro Plugin (gyro.js)
          o Fix: Check for valid values (Android Firefox).

    * Templates / Skins
          o Change: default.xml - add fovmax setting.
          o Change: vtourskin.xml - remove gyro usage for Firefox.
          o Fix: vtourksin.xml - check if a scene is loaded before trying to
                 assigning the skin_thumbborder parent.


krpano 1.16 / 2013-03-28


    * New version numbering scheme: => 1.16
      From now on each krpano release will gets its own unique version number
      to avoid version differences just by the build-date as in some releases

    * Improved HTML5 Support
          o WebGL support
                + Better rendering performance and quality than CSS-3D
                  in many cases.
                + Will be used automatically (when available and better).
                + Provides better system, browser support - WebGL is much more
                  stable and reliable than CSS-3D.
                + Better image / display quality due Mipmapping - less
                  aliasing and shimmering when mapping large source images to
                  small screen parts.
                + WebGL also makes it possible to support Fisheye /
                  Stereographic/ Pannini / Little-Planet projections also
                  in HTML5.
          o Better Android support
                + More stable and faster rendering in Android-stock /
                  WebView-based browsers.
                + Better Distorted Hotspots clickability.
                + Android Chrome support.
                + Android Firefox support.
                + Android Opera(Webkit) support.
          o Better CSS-3D rendering for Chrome, IE10, iPhone 3GS with iOS6,
            iPod Touch 4 with iOS6 and Android WebView.
          o Better system / device / browser / feature detection.
          o Contextmenu also for HTML5.
          o License-Protection, Branding-Free and krpano Protect Tool support.
          o Touch-Events also for Desktop (Chrome, Firefox, IE10).
          o Improved Textfield plugin support.
          o Support for Mouse-Over/Out events (for Mouse-usage only, will be
            ignored on Touch-usage).
          o Adjustable overall scaling via the stagescale setting.
          o Full <area> support.
          o parent="STAGE" and parent="BGLAYER" support.
          o scale9grid support.
          o BlackBerry support.
          o Support for progress informations .
          o Smaller viewer filesize and better internal structures.

    * Improved Flash Support
          o Updated swf-format (to swf-version 15) - this allows to use newer
            Flashplayer-features like asynchronous image decoding and
            right-click events. Due the new swf format the minimum Flashplayer
            version is now 10.1 (the new embedding script cares about that
            automatically). Therefore also the old Flashplayer-9 compatibility
            code could be removed, which reduced the swf filesize by ~12kb.
          o New custom (=non-native) Contextmenu - looks the same for Flash
            and HTML5. This way also the right-click Fullscreen-option is back
          o Faster initial multi-resolution loading.
          o No 'local-only' demo-limitation anymore.

    * Improved Viewer (XML Interface)
          o New layout possibilities - when using negative sizes for
            width/height - then the resulting size will be the size of the
            parent-element minus the given size.
          o New delayedcall() and stopdelayedcall() actions.
          o New escape() and unescape() actions.
          o The scale9grid setting can now be used together with the crop
          o Support for parameters (%0,%1,...) also for 'inline-actions'
            (these are actions / action-codes that are stored in normal
          o Several new devices and device settings (e.g. webgl, androidstock,
            chrome, ...).
          o Faster action-parsing and faster action-execution.
          o The fisheye rendering works/looks slightly different now - it
            allows viewing more than 180 degrees - this change was necessary
            for Flash/HTML5 compatibility. For the same reason the
            view.limitfov setting, that was limiting the fov in fisheye mode,
            was removed. The stereographic rendering is not affected by these

    * Improved Plugins
          o All krpano HTML5 plugins are now compatible with the IE10 touch
            events and allow mouse and touch usage at the same time (e.g. for
            desktop touch devices).
          o The ScrollArea Plugin has got new functions - automatic scrolling
            via mouse-hovering and interfaces for manual-scrolling via
            external buttons.

    * Improved Tools / Droplets / Templates / Default-Skins
          o The krpano Protect Tool supports also the krpano HTML5 viewer now
            - that means license-embedding, domain-limitations, expire-dates,
            private-encrypted-files and branding-free also for HTML5.
          o New [HTML5] placeholder and htmltemplate_html5 setting.
          o New custom html and xml template placeholders.
          o The default virtual-tour-skin has got several new features and

  Release Notes / Changes from build 2012-10-05
                            to 1.16     build 2013-03-28:

    * krpano XML / Actions Interface
          o New: When using negative width/height values for plugin / layer
                 elements - then the resulting size will be the size of the
                 parent-element minus the given size.
          o New: Additional device informations: browser.platform, webgl,
                 css3d, pixelratio, androidversion, androidstock, blackberry,
                 chrome, chromeversion, firefox, firefoxversion, ie,
                 ieversion, safari, safariversion, opera, operaversion.
          o New: The scale9grid setting can now be used together with the
                 crop setting.
          o New: Additional scale9grid image-scaling setting (5. parameter).
          o New: delayedcall() action with id and stopdelayedcall() action.
          o New: escape() and unescape() actions.
          o New: Additional 'doneactions' parameter for the asyncloop() action
                 to call code when the looping is done.
          o New: Support for parameters (%0,%1,...) also for 'inline-actions'
                 (these are actions / action-codes that are stored in normal
          o New: There will be an error message when trying to use numeric
                 names in the static xml or in the addplugin / addlayer /
                 addhospot actions.
          o New: Additional contextmenu settings - versioninfo and native.
          o New: Support for simple BB-code-formated HTML code for styling the
                 contextmenu item caption (non-native contextmenu only).
          o New: REMOVESCENES flag for the loadscene() action.
          o Change: Actions after loadpano() calls will no longer cause a
                    skipping the onstart event from the new xml.
          o Change: Removed view.limitfov setting for fov limiting in fisheye
          o Change: Slightly different fisheye rendering to let Flash and
                    HTML5/WebGL look the same.
          o Change: The default keycodes for zooming in/out were removed
                    because they often have interfered with the browser
                    keyboard controls.
          o Fix: Automatic resolving of 'null' (String) parameters to a real
                 null value for all actions except for set().

    * krpano HTML Embedding (swfkrpano.js)
          o New: The krpano embedding script was completely rewritten -
                 smaller and better code, no SWFObject 1.5 code anymore.
          o New: Much better device / browser / feature detection.
          o New: onready callback.
          o New: onerror callback.
          o New: consolelog setting for using the browsers Javascript console
                 for krpano trace logging.
          o New: mwheel setting for disabling the mouse-wheel using/capturing.
          o New: basepath setting for setting custom base-paths for resolving
                 paths that are relative to the krpano swf file.
          o New: html5=only setting for HTML5-only usage.
          o New: Additional webgl/css3d settings for the html5 setting.
          o New: removepano(id) function for correctly removing the krpano
                 viewer from the html page.
          o New: No 'document.write' anymore when dynamically loading the
                 HTML5 viewer.
          o New: The order of the files when including the HTML5 viewer files
                 manually doesn't matter anymore.
          o Change: The old SWFObject 1.5 functions / objects 'createswf' and
                    'Deconcept.*' are not available anymore.
          o Change: The script checks now for Flashplayer version 10.1 or
                    higher for the new krpano Flash viewer version.

    * krpano Flash Viewer (krpano.swf)
          o New: Smaller swf filesize due new internal formats and structures.
          o New: Removed Flashplayer 9 support (to be able to use new
                 Flashplayer functions), the minimum Flashplayer version is
                 now 10.1.
          o New: Using a custom-drawn contextmenu instead of the native one.
          o New: No local-only demo-limitation anymore.
          o New: Faster initial multi-resolution loading.
          o New: Use more accurate 'floating-point' centering when the element
                 itself or the parent-element have set accuracy=1.
          o New: Faster action code parsing.
          o New: Catch and show js() Javascript errors in the krpano log.
          o New: Support for the consolelog embedding setting.
          o New: onloaded and loaded support also for polygonal hotspots.
          o Change: No loading progress animations anymore by default when the
                    xml version setting is 1.16 or higher - the default value
                    for the progress.showwait and progress.showload settings
                    is now "none" in this case.
          o Change: The progress.progress variable is now 0.0 when no image is
          o Change: When using the native contextmenu, then fullscreen item
                    will be automatically only shown when using supporting
                    Flashplayer versions.
          o Change: Small log window adjustments for the same look in Flash
                    and HTML5.
          o Fix: Scaling of container-elements.
          o Fix: Rotation of container-elements and of elements with
          o Fix: Pannini-Projection nadir/zenith 'hole'.
          o Fix: Verify valid input sizes when using the videoplayer plugin as
                 pano image.
          o Fix: switch() action bug with numeric values.
          o Fix: Crash of the updateobject() action in some cases.
          o Fix: Dispatch the onnewpano event also when there is no <image>.
          o Fix: Check image.frame for being always higher than 0 to avoid

    * krpano HTML5 Viewer (krpanoiphone.js)
          o New: Better internal js format and better code structures and
                 design - smaller filesize, no global js '_' variable anymore.
          o New: Much better device, browser and feature detection.
          o New: Support for license-embedding, domain-limitations,
                 expire-dates, private xml-encryption and
                 branding-free-licenses (manually via the krpano Protect Tool
                 or automatically via the kmakemultires tool).
          o New: WebGL support.
          o New: Fisheye, Stereographic, Pannini Projection support (WebGL).
          o New: Automatic mipmapping support (WebGL).
          o New: <contextmenu> support.
          o New: Touch and gesture support also on Desktop - mouse and touch
                 can be used at the same time.
          o New: Improved IE10 support - touch events, better CSS-3D
                 rendering, simulating support for enabled="false", detect
                 IE10 ARM-devices as tablets and some other smaller
          o New: Mouse over/out support - onover, onhover, onout, hovering,
          o New: Android WebView rendering - more stable and faster.
          o New: Android WebView - distorted hotspots are better touchable.
          o New: Android Chrome support - better rendering and correct
          o New: Android Firefox support - correct stage-scaling and prefer
                 CSS-3D over WebGL (better performance in this case).
          o New: Android rendering - when the browsers fails to render the
                 cube-faces (due lack of memory), then automatically reduce
                 the display.hardwarelimit setting and try again (there will
                 be also a log warning in this case).
          o New: BlackBerry support - via WebGL (but no preview images).
          o New: Partial Opera/Presto support - via WebGL, but no mipmapping
                 and no enabled="false" elements.
          o New: Adjustable overall scaling via the stagescale setting.
          o New: Improved Textfield plugin support.
          o New: Full <area> support.
          o New: parent="STAGE" and parent="BGLAYER" support.
          o New: Support for the scale9grid setting.
          o New: Use the browsers 'visibility-change' event get notified when
                 the page will be hidden and stop motion frictions in this
          o New: Faster action code parsing.
          o New: Hotspot accuracy2 setting to enable position rounding.
          o New: Support for the progress.progress variable.
          o New: Support for <include> within loadxml() strings.
          o New: When there is a xml loading or parsing error, then also show
                 the original error message from the browser.
          o Change: Remove the html5-fullscreen-support for Android -
                    currently many Android browsers are reporting
                    fullscreen-support but they don't do.
          o Change: The default value for view.fovmax is now 179 (like in the
                    Flash viewer).
          o Change: The altscale setting is deprecated and should not be used
          o Fix: Automatic workaround for the iOS6 requestAnimationFrame bug
                 which can stop/break the correct working of the viewer.
          o Fix: Invisible hotspots bug that happens after pano-blending when
                 the hotspot is invisible, not on the screen at startup.
          o Fix: loadpano(null) or xml=null will load an empty pano instead of
                 showing an error (like in the Flash version).
          o Fix: Absolute paths support for the loadpano() action.
          o Fix: The alturl and altscale settings are independent of their xml
                 order now.
          o Fix: Textfield autoheight bug.
          o Fix: roundval() - store the result always as String (no type
          o Fix: txtadd() - store result always as String (no type
          o Fix: limitview=auto wasn't ignoring the hlookatmin, hlookatmax
          o Fix: Handle keep=true also without any flags - use MERGE by
          o Fix: Reset/overwrite parent/page css styles (lineheight,
                 fontweight, fontstyle).
          o Fix: Detect only left-mouse button clicks as clicks.
          o Fix: keepview behavior - every pano needs to define its own
                 viewing limitations.
          o Fix: Firefox mouse-wheel-event listening 'ordered behind' to allow
                 stopping wheel events by plugins like the Bingmaps plugin.

    * Bing Maps Plugin (bingmaps.swf, bingmap.js)
          o New: Firefox, IE10, Opera support (button graphics, touch events)
          o Fix: After removing spots the plugin stops working correctly.
          o Fix: Correct scaling on Hi-DPI Android devices.
          o Fix: Changed Firefox mouse-wheel-event handling to stop pano

    * Combobox HTML5 Plugin (combobox.js)
          o New: IE10 touch-events compatible.
          o New: Dynamic stagescale change support.
          o Fix: Correct Android scaling.
          o Fix: Android Firefox rendering.
          o Fix: Webkit touch deep-order of items.

    * ScrollArea Plugin (scrollarea.swf, scrollarea.js)
          o New: IE10 touch-events compatible.
          o New: draggable setting for disabling the dragging control.
          o New: onhover_autoscrolling setting for automatic scrolling on
                 mouse hovering.
          o New: stopscrolling action for stopping any scrolling.
          o New: scrollby action for manual scrolling.
          o New: onscroll event for getting notified when the area has
          o New: Several scroll/overflow state variables - woverflow,
                 hoverflow, loverflow, roverflow, toverflow, boverflow.
          o New: Updated Examples.

    * Snow Plugin (snow.swf, snow.js)
          o New: HTML5 support.
          o Note: The pre-release snow.js is not upward compatible to the
                  final version, the new snow.js need to be used!

    * Videoplayer Plugin (videoplayer.swf, videoplayer.js)
          o Fix: seek(0) + pause() could cause an invisible video when using
                 distorted hotspots (Flash).

    * krpano Tools (all)
          o New: The tools will now automatically call the 'purge' command on
                 Mac on low-memory situations to get more free system memory
                 and avoid getting into swapping.
          o Change: Different memory-management for Mac and Linux - the tools
                    should now use more system memory before starting to
                    swap-out memory.

    * kencrypt Tool
          o New: HTML5 support for private xml-encryption.
          o Fix: Check the filesize before loading the file - avoid crash on
                 0-byte files.

    * kprotectcl Tool
          o New: HTML5 support - create single .js files with embedded
                 licenses, domain limitations, expire dates and branding-free

    * kmakemultires Tool
          o New: [HTML5] placeholder and htmltemplate_html5 setting.
          o New: Support for custom html and xml template placeholders.
          o New: Protected HTML5 license embedding support.
          o New: Settings for custom image paths in the xml - tilepathxml,
                 previewpathxml, thumbpathxml.
          o New: Settings for custom preview image sizes - previewspsize and
          o Fix: Escape [] characters for filtered basename.
          o Fix: Avoid crash when using JPEG images with corrupt EXIF headers.
          o Fix: Display the correct fov infos.

    * krpano Protect Tool
          o New: HTML5 support.
          o New: Small GUI redesign, cleanup.
          o New: Open last output folder button.
          o Change: The krpano licenses always need to be in the krpano tools
                    folder now.
          o Change: Embedded files sorting - the preview image will be
                    embedded after skin files by default.
          o Fix: The xml parsing for files to embed was not complete and so
                 some files were missing in some cases.

    * krpano Update Tool
          o New: Support for the new HTML5 viewer format.

    * Templates / Default Config Settings
          o New: The HTML templates were extended with IE10-specific settings
                 (x-ua-compatible and -ms-viewport).
          o Change: The maxcubesize setting for normal panos (normal.config,
                    vtour-normal.config) is now 2048 instead of 2200 to allow
                    automatic mipmapping in HTML5.
          o Change: The setting html5=prefer will be used for normal panos
                    (normal.config, vtour-normal.config) by default (when a
                    HTML5 license is available).

    * MAKE VTOUR Default Skin (vtourskin.xml)
          o New: More skin features and settings:
                 + thumbs_text - add the text to the thumbnails
                 + thumbs_dragging - enable/disable the dragging control for
                   the thumbnails
                 + thumbs_onhoverscrolling - enable/disable the automatic
                   onhover-scrolling control for the thumbnails
                 + thumbs_scrollbuttons - show thumbnail scroll-buttons
                 + thumbs_scrollindicator - show a scroll-indicator for the
          o New: over/out button glowing.
          o Change: Slightly renamed skin_settings names (thumbswidth =>
                    thumbs_width, thumbsheight => thumbs_height, ...).
          o Change: Use distorted hotspots by default.
          o Fix: Wrong textstyle for tooltips_mapspots when there was a single
                 quote character in the scene title (fixed by using the new
                 escape() action).
          o Fix: No overlapping buttons when Gyro and the Fullscreen-mode are
                 supported at the same time.


krpano / 2012-10-05


    * Improved HTML5 Support
          o HTML5 support for Desktop Browsers - Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IE10.
          o HTML5 Fullscreen API support.
          o Android 4.x support.
          o Bing Maps for HTML5 (iPhone/iPad).
          o More HTML5 embedding / detection settings.
          o Support for the iOS 6 Landscape Fullscreen Mode and the new
            iOS 6 url-bar hiding.
          o Better distorted hotspots support and better click/touch detection.

    * New and Improved Plugins
          o New Bing Maps Plugin for HTML5 (iPhone/iPad).
          o New ScrollArea Plugin for automatic touch/drag-scrolling.
          o New Virtual Tour Editor Plugin for editing MAKE VTOUR tours.
          o Combobox - HTML5 Plugin with Retina support, improved rendering
            performance and customizable graphics.
          o Soundinterface - support for alternative audio codecs (like Ogg
            for HTML5 Firefox).
          o Textfield - better Flash/HTML5 compatibility (almost pixel
            perfect), vcenter and autoheight settings, better text and
            rounded-edge quality, advanced shadow and textshadow support.
          o Videoplayer - support for alternative video codecs.

    * Improved Viewer (XML Interface / Layout)
          o New <layer> elements (same as the <plugin> elements, just a
            new/different name).
          o Automatic 'sub-layering' (parent-assignment) of elements by
            defining elements inside other elements.
            <layer name="container" ...>
                <layer name="child1" ... />
                <layer name="child2" ... />
          o New container plugin/layer elements. These elements are like
            normal plugin/layer elements, just without any image url setting
            and a type="container" setting instead. These container elements
            can be used to hold or group other elements. To mask children
            elements use the maskchildren setting. A background color can be
            set for these container elements by the bgcolor and bgalpha
            settings. To make the background clickable enable the bgcapture
          o Performance optimized parent/child system - when moving a parent
            element, the children elements don't need to be updated. This
            allows an very efficient movement of several elements at once.
          o New and updated viewer examples.
          o And many more small fixes and improvements.

    * Improved Tools / Droplets / Templates
          o New templates / skins for the MAKE PANO / MAKE VTOUR droplets.
          o A full featured automatic Virtual Tour Skin (example) with
            scrolling thumbnails, an automatic Bing map, the Gyro plugin,
            buttons and hotspots.
          o Automatically also convert cylindrical images to cubical panos
           (for HTML5 support).
          o Define any additional custom image sizes with additional
            customized xml tags (for automatically generating special sized
            images for certain devices).
          o EXIF GPS support - automatically transfer the GPS informations
            from the input image to the xml. Customizable via placeholders.
          o New automatic level sizes adjustment for multiresolution images
            for better loading and rendering performance.
          o Support for outputting progressive-encoded jpeg images.

    * Improved Documentation
          o New HTML5 documentation with all details about the HTML5 support.
          o New Tools / Droplets documentation.
          o New kmakemultires Config file documentation.
          o Updated / refined HTML embedding documentation.
          o Updated XML and Actions documentations.

  Release Notes / Changes from build 2012-08-10
                            to build 2012-10-05:

    * krpano Flash Viewer (krpano.swf)
          o New: device object for checking the current device and its
                 properties. This device object is the dynamic/scripting
                 equivalent to the xml devices attribute.
          o New: Additional device properties: fullscreensupport, ipod,
                 windows, mac, linux.
          o New: Use the Browsers Mouse Wheel Events when available (through
                 the swfkrpano.js script) instead of the Flashplayer Wheel
                 Event. They are more accurate and have a better cross-systems
                 / cross-browser support. The non-rounded, non-integer numeric
                 wheeldelta value is available via the new wheeldelta_raw
          o New: Since Flashplayer version 11.3 the Fullscreen Mode can't be
                 changed anymore from the right-click context-menu. Therefore
                 the fullscreen-item in the context-menu is disabled by
                 default now.
          o Fix: The click events of elements that had children elements were
                 not working correctly in some situations.
          o Fix: Missing updates/redraws of children elements when changing
                 the parent element in some situations.
          o Fix: Container elements were always scaled from left-top instead
                 from the edge point.
          o Fix: Hotspot update/redraw when changing the url during loading
                 the current file.
          o Fix: When using autorotate and usercontrol=off, then any
                 user-input is correctly ignored now and will not pause the
          o Fix: The system mouse cursor had become visible after the
                 context-menu usage when using custom-cursors.
          o Fix: The style setting was wrongly 'null' after loading.
          o Fix: The changeorigin() action works now also for children
          o Fix: Explicitly verify the availability of the Flashplayer
                 External-Interface (because in some situations the
                 Flashplayer reports a wrong availability).
          o Fix: Plugin-Interface - call the unloadplugin function before
                 removing the plugin from the Flash stage (to allow the plugin
                 accessing the stage in the unloadplugin function).

    * krpano HTML5 Viewer (krpanoiphone.js)
          o New: HTML5 Fullscreen API support.
          o New: device object for checking the current device and its
          o New: Support for the wheeldelta_raw variable.
          o Fix: The style setting was wrongly 'null' after loading.
          o Fix: The changeorigin() action works now also for children
          o Fix: Wrong movements with usercontrol=off.
          o Fix: Stop mouse panning friction during gesture zooming.
          o Fix: Same mouse-wheel zooming speed for Flash and HTML5 on all
          o Fix: Automatic workaround (html5rendermode=2) for graphics errors
                 on iPhone 3GS and iPod Touch 4.Gen with iOS 6.0.
          o Fix: Automatic urlbar hiding support iPhone 5.
          o Fix: Faster urlbar hiding after start and device rotation.
          o Fix: Android - visible cube-edges on non 256-divisible images.
          o Fix: Chrome Linux - visible cube-edges.
          o Fix: Urlbar hiding for iOS 3.1.
          o Fix: Firefox - xml-parsing-error detection.
          o Fix: Workaround for the Firefox xml-node-limit (for encrypted xml

    * krpano HTML Embedding (swfkrpano.js)
          o New: Completely new Mouse Wheel Events handling. Always catch and
                 pass the wheel events to the Flashplayer. Better cross-system
                 / cross-browser support. Smaller code-size.
          o New: Automatically correct duplicate object id names.

    * Bing Maps Plugin (bingmaps.swf, bingmap.js)
          o New: Move active spot to top order.
          o Experimental: New zoomwithmap="true" and zoombaselevel="10"
                          settings for <spot> elements to make them zoomable.
          o New: Direct clicking on the zoomtrack control changes the zoom.
          o Fix: Better cross-system / cross-browser mouse-wheel support.
                 Detect smooth-mouse-wheel / touchpad-scrolling for direct
                 smooth map zooming.
          o Fix: Zoom-out from the map-center instead from the cursor position
                 on 'stepwise' mouse-wheel events.
          o Fix: Several zooming fixes, avoid invisible tiles.
          o Fix: Avoid crashes on 'empty' spot/spotstyle elements.
          o Fix: Adding spot with same name again will not cause wrong working
                 spots anymore.

    * Combobox HTML5 Plugin (combobox.js)
          o Fix: Update/redraw immediately after adding an item to avoid
                 showing a wrong scaled box for a short moment.

    * Editor Plugin (editor.swf)
          o New: Added xml code highlighting (same as in vtoureditor plugin).
          o New: Scrollbars for the xml editor.
          o New: Small improvements (dragable and closeable infoboxes).
          o New: XML generation - skip default values and format/sort the
                 attributes in a more compact way.
          o Fix: Autocorrect wrong line-feeds.
          o Fix: 'Only one hotspot' bug in the generated xml.
          o Fix: Better Mac Support (mouse-wheel scrolling and page-up /
                 page-down keys in the xml editor).

    * Textfield Plugin (textfield.swf, html5:intern)
          o New: onautosized event for getting updated when the size of the
                 textfield will be changed (when using autoheight=true).
          o Fix: Avoid crash when html=data:... or css=data:... without
                 existing data (Flash).
          o Fix: The positions of children elements were slightly wrong
          o Fix: Slightly inaccurate border sizes and text overflow in some
                 cases (HTML5).
          o Fix: Wrong sizes in some cases (HTML5).
          o Fix: There was an invisible and touch-blocking element when using
                 empty textfield elements (HTML5).

    * Virtual Tour Editor Plugin (vtoureditor.swf)
          o New: Scrollbars for the xml editor.
          o New: No 'hard-coded' tour.xml anymore - use and load the real
                 startup xml file.
          o Fix: Autocorrect wrong line-feeds.
          o Fix: Better Mac Support (mouse-wheel scrolling and page-up /
                 page-down keys in the xml editor).
          o Fix: The editor buttons are now at 'stage' level above all krpano
                 xml elements.
          o Fix: Support all unicode-characters in hotspot scene selection.
          o Fix: Restore hotspot ondown event after hotspot editing.
          o Fix: Dynamically removing the plugin wasn't working.

    * krpano Tools (all)
          o The Mac Droplets are Universal Binaries again and will work also
            on PPC Macs.
          o Dynamic file management (only for jpeg tiles at the moment) to
            avoid opening too much files at once (important for Mac where only
            256 files can be opened at the same time by default).

    * kmakemultires Tool
          o New: GPS support for the 'EXIF GPS Image Direction' tag => heading.
          o New: Automatically filter or replace characters that are invalid
                 for the xml from [NAME] or [BASENAME] placeholders.
          o Fix: Wrongly cube-converted sphere images when using them after
                 cylinder images in the same run.
          o Fix: Inverse GPS coordinates on big-endian EXIF tags.
          o Fix: Wrong line-feeds in the generated xml files.
          o Fix: Relative path calculation.
          o Fix: Warn about missing xmltemplate setting in the config.

    * MAKE VTOUR Default Skin (vtourskin.xml)
          o New: HTML5 Fullscreen Support (by using the fullscreensupport

          o New: More skin settings:
                 + bingmaps_zoombuttons - zoom-buttons to the map
                 + thumbsopend - start with opened thumbnails
                 + tooltips_thumbs - show tooltips over the thumbnails
                 + tooltips_hotspots - show tooltips over the hotspots
                 + tooltips_mapspots - show tooltips over the map spots
                 + controlbar_offset - adjust the position of the control-bar
          o New: Predeclared <radar> element for map with headingoffset="0"
                 for correct GPS heading support.
          o New: Added a "skin_nextscene_loop" action for loading the next
                 scene and restart from beginning after the last scene (could
                 be used by autotour scripts).
          o Fix: The thumbnails/map 'state' values were changed from
                 'visible'/'hidden' to 'opened'/'close' (the usage of
                 'visible' was problematic in some cases).
          o Fix: Use the tour title only when set, when not available show
                 only the scene title.
          o Fix: vtour_scenetemplate.xml - use filtered [BASENAME] as scene
                 name to avoid xml problems.

  Release Notes / Changes from build 2012-03-16
                            to build 2012-08-10:

    * krpano XML / Actions Interface (the same for Flash and HTML5)
          o New: <layer> elements. They are same as the <plugin> elements,
                 just with a new/different name. Both are internally mapped to
                 the same elements.
          o New: Support for new container plugin/layer elements. These
                 elements can contain other plugin/layer elements. Create such
                 element by setting type="container" for the plugin/layer. A
                 background color can be set for these container elements by
                 the bgcolor and bgalpha settings. To make the background
                 clickable enable the bgcapture setting.
          o New: Automatic parent/child system by defining children
                 plugin/layer elements in the xml inside the parent element.
          o New: addlayer() and removelayer() actions (same as addplugin()
                 and removeplugin()).
          o New: delete(vars) action for deleting the given variables.
          o New: Multiple styles can be used/loaded at once now.
          o New: The viewer exports now the screentosphere and spheretoscreen
                 functions for direct calling. They are now available in the
                 krpano HTML object and also in the new krpano plugin
                 interface object. Both functions have two Numbers as
                 parameters and are returning an Object with x and y
          o Change: A 'single variable' if() like 'if(variable, ...)' will now
                    check the given variable also for 'not null' or 'not 0'
                    instead of just comparing it to true.
          o Change: Call the onclick events only when there was no (or almost
                    no) movement between the mouse button/touch down and up.
          o Fix: Allow using quotes inside an array index.
          o Fix: The onidle handling will be not interrupted by autorotate.

    * krpano Flash Viewer (krpano.swf)
          o New: Devices settings air and standalone added.
          o New: Optimized layer/plugin parent/child performance.
          o New: Output log console - Android Hi-DPI Support.
          o New: Support for public-key encrypted files.
          o Change: New default values for preview.details=16 and
          o Change: New demo logo style (same like in the HTML5 viewer).
          o Change: Reset the limitview range when loading new panos.
          o Change: The pop(var) action will now create the 'var' variable
                    when it didn't exist.
          o Fix: Android - plugin/hotspot dragging.
          o Fix: Android - no wrong movement after enabling the 'long press
                 fullscreen mode'.
          o Fix: Avoid a Flashplayer crash when using numbers as name.
          o Fix: Changing plugin/hotspots urls during loading is possible now.
          o Fix: Crash when using removeplugin / removehotspot in the ondown
                 event of the to removing element.
          o Fix: Delayed hotspots updates during autorotate.
          o Fix: External embedding parameters - allow 'empty strings' as
          o Fix: Flashplayer 11.3 'fullscreen' mode changes.
          o Fix: No autorotate direction change during loading.
          o Fix: Plugin/Hotspots 'keep' and redefining problems.
          o Fix: The plugin 'crop' sizes still work after setting the crop.
          o Fix: Workaround for the Flashplayer &nbsp; bug.
          o Fix: Wrong warnings about non-existent elements in the
                 removeplugin / removehotspot / removelensflare actions.

    * krpano HTML5 Viewer (krpanoiphone.js)
          o New: Added support for the new iOS 6 landscape fullscreen mode.
          o New: Added support for the new iOS 6 url bar hiding.
          o New: Android Hi-DPI support.
          o New: Automatic console content cutting to avoid a rendering
                 performance slow-down because of too much text (too big html
                 element) inside the log.
          o New: CSS 3D-transforms support for Firefox 10, Chrome 20, IE 10
                 and Android 4.x.
          o New: Full support for horizontal view limiting (by view.hlookatmin
                 and view.hlookatmax). Workarounds by XML are not necessary
          o New: Optimized layer/plugin parent/child performance - update the
                 child elements only on parent scales.
          o New: There is a new zorder2 setting for ordering normal and
                 distorted hotspots.
          o New: There were a lot of internal changes to improve the
                 z-ordering and event-ordering issues of the Safari browser.
                 Now the distorted hotspots should be correctly behind the
                 plugin elements and also react correctly.
          o New: XML CDATA support for <action> and <data> elements:
                 <action><![CDATA[ ...code... ]]></action>
          o New: display.html5rendermode and display.hardwarelimit settings.
          o Change: Automatically load the 'desktop' images when no other
                    images are available.
          o Change: New log opening mode to avoid blocking any pano content
                    and new log closing mode, just click the right 'close'
          o Fix: Avoid JS error when trying to call variables that were
                 pointing to JS Objects.
          o Fix: Avoid crash when trying to call a JS-Object as action.
          o Fix: Better console text rendering.
          o Fix: Changing of plugin/hotspot urls during loading.
          o Fix: Clicking through demo-logo.
          o Fix: Clicking through disabled elements.
          o Fix: Detect window focus loss and stop mouse movement in this case.
          o Fix: Flying hotspot with architectural projection.
          o Fix: No out-of-pano text-selecting during dragging in Webkit
                 Desktop Browsers.
          o Fix: Percent-sizes and scaling and parent element together were
                 working wrong.
          o Fix: Setting the same plugin/hotspot url after loading again work
          o Fix: Still show the mouse cursor on enabled=false elements on
                 Mac OSX.
          o Fix: The clipping of normal hotspots was slightly wrong.
          o Fix: The distorted hotspot rendering works internally now
                 different to avoid clicking / touch problems.
          o Fix: The spheretoscreen / screentosphere actions were returning
                 wrong scaled sizes on the iPhone.
          o Fix: The usage of loadstyle() caused strange side-effects.
          o Fix: Workaround for Android - automatic scroll the krpano log.
          o Fix: Workaround for the 'clickable 180° doublegangners' Safari
                 CSS 3D Bug (happening sometimes when using distorted
                 hotspots) was added by automatically disabling hotspots
                 behind the viewing plane.
          o Fix: Wrong percent scaling for child plugin elements.

    * krpano HTML Embedding (swfkrpano.js)
          o New: html5licenseload setting.
          o New: passQueryParameters setting for the embedpano() /
                 createPanoViewer() function. When enabled the html5 parameter
                 will be directly setable.
          o New: isHTML5possible function for checking the HTML5 support of
                 the browser.
          o New: When no Flashplayer available and the Browser is HTML5
                 compatible then automatically use the krpano HTML5 viewer
                 when html5 licenses are included or embedded.
          o New: isFlashpossible function for checking the availability of
                 the Flashplayer.
          o New: More useHTML5() / html5 modes - 'prefer' and 'never'.
          o Fix: Additional mouse-wheel fixes for Chrome (for the Chrome
                 embedded Flashplayer) and Opera (inverse wheel).
          o Fix: Workaround for IE to avoid the 'out-line' border around the

    * Bing Maps Plugin (bingmaps.swf, bingmap.js)
          o New: HTML5 version of the plugin.
          o New: bgcolor and bgalpha settings for defining the background
          o New: zoomtospotsextent() action for zooming and moving
                 automatically to view all spots at once.
          o New: Radar headingoffset setting for defining a custom radar
                 heading offset.
          o Fix: onmapready event timing/executing order.
          o Fix: Set the correct active spot when adding spot dynamically.
          o Fix: Show an error message when no network access is available.

    * Combobox HTML5 Plugin (combobox.js)
          o New: Retina compatible.
          o New: customstyle setting for defining custom graphics and styles.
          o Change: native=false by default.
          o Fix: Error when removing the plugin.
          o Fix: 'small design' detection.

    * Editor Plugin (editor.swf)
          o Fix: Avoid Flashplayer crash because of null objects when using
                 numbers as name.

    * Google Maps Plugin (googlemaps.swf)
          o New: Radar headingoffset setting for defining a custom radar
                 heading offset.
          o Fix: Radar redrawing on spot change.
          o Fix: Set the correct active spot when adding spot dynamically.

    * Gyro Plugin
          o New: onavailable event.
          o New: vrelative setting.
          o New: filter first few samples.
          o Fix: Dynamic enabling/disabling.
          o Fix: Better camroll support - tween to 0 on disabling.
          o Fix: Disable gyro on Desktop (Chrome reports wrongly a gyro

    * Radar Plugin (radar.swf, radar.js)
          o New: headingoffset setting for defining a custom radar heading
          o Fix: Avoid down/click event on parent object (Flash).
          o Fix: The invert setting wasn't working correct (HTML5).

    * ScrollArea Plugin (scrollarea.swf, scrollarea.js)
          o New plugin.

    * Snow Plugin (snow.swf)
          o Change: The type setting was renamed to mode (was necessary
                    because of the new type plugin setting).

    * Soundinterface (soundinterface.swf, soundinterface.js)
          o New: Support for different sound codec urls -
          o New: rootpath support (HTML5).
          o New: mute support for iOS (=pause).
          o Fix: Javascript crash.
          o Fix: test for window object access before registering pagehide /
                 pageshow listeners (HTML5 issue when using the soundinteface
                 inside iframes).

    * Textfield Plugin (textfield.swf, html5:intern)
          o New: vcenter setting.
          o New: autoheight setting as replacement for the autosize setting.
          o New: Customizable shadow and textshadow.
          o New: borderalpha setting.
          o New: The [ and ] characters are now usable also inside <data>
          o New: Use [[ to get < and ]] for >.
          o Change: Use subpixel-text-antialising (works only inside Browser,
          o Change: Better border rendering quality (Flash).
          o Change: The border of the textfield is now added 'outside' around
                    the box to look the same like in Flash (HTML5).
          o Fix: Using 0 (=black) as background color wasn't possible (HTML5).
          o Fix: using [] characters inside 'event:' links is working now
          o Fix: the imagewidth, imageheight sizes were wrong.
          o Fix: workaround for the Flashplayer   bug
          o Fix: No crash on html=null (Flash).

    * Videoplayer Plugin (videoplayer.swf, videoplayer.js)
          o New: Support for different videos codec urls.
          o New: ignoremetadata setting (Flash).
          o Fix: The loop setting was true by default (Flash).

    * Virtual Tour Editor Plugin (vtoureditor.swf)
          o New plugin.

    * krpano Tools (all)
          o New: -licpath=### parameter for setting the path to the license
          o New: Support for outputting progressive-encoded jpeg files.
          o New: Show warning when trying to load layered psd / psb files.
          o Change: Different memory usage on 64bit system to avoid getting
                    into system swapping.

    * kencrypt Tool
          o New: -p setting for public-key encryption.
          o Fix: The HTML5 encryption setting was ignored when not specifing
                 input- and outputnames.

    * kmakemultires Tool
          o New: buildembeddedswf_files setting for customizing which files
                 to embed.
          o New: askforxmloverwrite setting to avoid accidentally overwritting
                 xml files.
          o New: EXIF GPS support - automatically transfer the GPS
                 informations from the input image to the xml.
          o New: Use the Autopano Pro/Giga EXIF infos about panotype, hfov,
                 vfov and voffset.
          o New: Define any additional custom image sizes with additional
                 customized xml tags (for automatically generating special
                 sized images for certain devices).
          o New: adjustlevelsizes setting - automatically adjust level sizes
                 for better performance.
          o New: html5 setting for directly enabling html5 output.
          o New: Write the exact hfov and vfov informations into the xml (to
                 avoid the need to wait until the pano image is loaded to get
                 the real informations).
          o New: Automatically convert also cylindrical panos to cubes.
          o Change: New console output style / formating.
          o Change: No default 'kmakemultires.config' anymore - a .config
                    file need to be specified now always.
          o Change: tempcubename setting renamed to tempcubepath (but
                    tempcubename is still supported).
          o Change: The tempcubepath syntax uses now the same placeholders
                    as all other config path settings.
          o Fix: The number of automatic nulls in the tile-indicies were
                 wrong in some cases.
          o Fix: Skip trying to load folders as images (no warning/error
                 about that).
          o Fix: Copy the html additional files also in embedded licenses mode.

    * krpano Protect Tool
          o New: Public-key encryption mode.
          o New: Drag and drop support for embed and encrypt file lists.
          o Fix: Skip hidden files when adding folders.

    * ktransform Tool
          o New: -cylinder setting for converting also cylinder images to
                 cubical images.


For information and the release notes from older versions, please see there:

                                                 Copyright (c) 2015 krpano GmbH